IT Pro

A new chapter for Twitter

Twitter is a strange beast. In my own social circles, both technical and non-technical, it is the one that causes the most debate between fans and foes. It seems that the little blue bird is a bit of a head-scratcher.

My fondness for Twitter comes mostly from its creation story and how it has developed over time. Twitter evolved from internal experiments and brainstorms in Odeo Corp. Jack Dorsey in 2006 created what is referred to as micro-blogging service, a kind of SMS for the internet. 

Each “tweet” being just 140-character messages meant that the community borrowed or created shorthand meanings embedded inside the messages.

In reality Twitter was a solution without a problem, but the early Twitter community created many client tools and developed some of the norms that have become adopted by many other social networks. 

Twitter consists of an application interface (API) which facilitates the authentication, transmission and storage of the tweets. How the users interacted with the service depended mostly on the various clients that were written by many independent developers. Over time the number of clients grew, the successful ones were able to introduce and cross-pollinate the best elements from each other. While Twitter always had a website for the default experience, Twitter’s success came from the proliferation of applications that used the service underneath. Nowhere was this more obvious than in the mobile space.

As the user base and audience grew, so came the marketers, PR agencies and brand promoters. The Twitter API, being so simple and elegant, made it trivial to integrate with apps of every kind. Soon the Twitter airwaves were flooded with messages ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime.


New functionality was built into the service to try to aid discovery as well as the beginnings of commercialisation. Twitter’s infrastructure rapidly grew as every big event caused surges in tweet traffic to break records. According to Wikipedia, the 2011 FIFA women’s World Cup final has the record at 7196 tweets per second.

Many industry commentators looked on, wondering how Twitter was going make money out of all this. Much of Twitter’s financial backing is in the form of venture capital funding, but it is only a matter of time until these backers want to see how Twitter is going to turn its audience into a revenue stream. There is still a lot of scepticism about how much revenue Twitter can actually bank.

Last week Twitter announced version 1.1 of the Twitter API. Changes include requiring every request to the API to be authenticated rather than in version 1.0 which required only some features needing to be authenticated. Another change is reducing the tweet rate. Twitter has always limited the number of messages and API calls that a client application could make per hour (currently it is 350 calls per hour). API Version 1.1 will have different rates depending on the endpoint.

Certain classes of Twitter clients (pre-installed smartphone apps for example) will require certification by Twitter. Applications that have high volumes of users (200,000 plus users) will need to contact Twitter and seek permission to increase your user tokens. Some developers have taken the changes to mean Twitter wants to limit the number of third-party applications.

Finally, the most interesting change is that Twitter has acknowledged that its service is no longer just about the 140-character messages - even though an entire class of products has evolved based on the company's platform for many different purposes such as reputation, analytics and CRM.

Reading between the lines, lower end-point rate limits, hard limits to the number of user tokens and the introduction of an application certification scheme, indicates that Twitter may be looking at creating special levels of commercial application support as a source of revenue. In particular, these rules are aimed at the social analytic platforms that rely on having large number of users to create pools of data with which they create saleable insights.

Twitter has bought up successful third party client builder TweetDeck and other successful businesses built around the service such as social news aggregator Summify. Critics have been quick to point out that these rule changes will certainly benefit Twitter's own application offerings.

From a Twitter community point of view, I don’t see these changes having any negative impacts. In fact, the lower rate limits may help cut down the number of spam tweets and more inane chatter. Twitter is at its best when tweets are considered and deliberate.

What the changes to the Twitter API do seem to say to me is that Twitter is again moving away from the wild west culture to being a corporation that knows being an amazing brand is not enough to pay the bills.

You can see the API changes on the Twitter blog.

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