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Perth boy Oshin Kiszko loses cancer battle after forced chemotherapy

A Perth boy who was forced to undergo court-ordered chemotherapy against his parents' wishes has died on Wednesday morning.

WAtoday understands Oshin Kiszko spent Christmas Day at home with his family before passing away about 2.30am on Wednesday morning.

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Parents distraught over son's forced chemo

The parents of Oshin Kiszko, a six-year-old Perth boy with brain cancer, voice their anguish at him being forced into chemotherapy, despite them having made a heartbreaking decision not to go with the treatment.

The six-year-old was diagnosed a year ago with an aggressive form of brain cancer that, even if treated with radiotherapy, would have led to "horrific long-term side effects".

His parents Colin Strachan and Angela Kiszko had fought for their son to avoid chemotherapy and radiotherapy because the treatments were known to carry long-term risks to intellectual disability in young patients.

Doctors ordered Oshin undergo chemotherapy in March against his parent's wishes, but in May the family had a small victory when a Family Court judge ruled he would not be forced to undergo radiotherapy at the end of the chemotherapy treatment.

He had been receiving palliative care at his family home since the treatment ended. 


Ms Kiszko posted posted a heartbreaking message on Facebook just days before Oshin's death. 

"How do I truly let go of my love, my only son Oshin?" she said. 

"Oshin at most has two days left in his earthly body, long paused breathes, unable to talk, drink, move.

"Long was his journey, the dangers were many, nothing could be guaranteed, his fear immense, the pain inflicted traumatising, the pitfalls rife, hard is the cross to bare.

"Oshin deserves to be free from the suffering inflicted upon him - some deliberate and heartless and some just part of life.

"I feel he is transitioning so amazingly, peacefully, without pain, surrounded by so much love energy."