Federal Politics

Talkative Tony Abbott 'probably not' being helpful to the Coalition: Barnaby Joyce

"Probably not."

That's Barnaby Joyce's blunt view on whether former prime minister Tony Abbott is being helpful in speaking out on a range of issues during the summer period.

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Abbott not helpful: Joyce

The former PM's recent comments including advice to Coalition colleagues isn't doing the party any favours according to the Deputy PM. Courtesy ABC.

As Coalition MPs and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull celebrated Christmas and the new year, Mr Abbott has been vocal about a possible split by conservative Cory Bernardi, while advocating for cuts in aid to the Palestinian Authority and moving the Australian embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The comments have been seen as opportunistic by some, but Mr Abbott maintains as a former leader he is entitled to speak on a range of issues at the time of his choosing.

Mr Joyce told ABC radio on Wednesday he thought Mr Abbott's latest interventions were not helpful, and denied outspoken Queensland Nationals MP George Christensen was preparing to join a new conservative party.

"I think it is important that people clearly understand that the alternative, in the end, will not be between different people within the Liberal Party," the Nationals leader and Deputy Prime Minister said.


"It will be between the Coalition and the Labor Party … and I genuinely believe in the agriculture sector; if we got the Labor Party back it would be an absolute disaster.

"George has said quite clearly that he supports the National Party and he supports me as leader. That's my section of the Coalition … and we'll continue to work as hard as we possibly can."

Mr Abbott last week warned Liberal colleagues looking to form a breakaway conservative party that, while their new parties would be a success, the move would ultimately deliver government to Labor.

While Mr Abbott did not name Senator Bernardi, the South Australian backbencher responded by accusing his former leader of "talking up division" and backing "the horse named self-interest".

Asked about concerns from some Coalition MPs about the government's loss of base conservative voters, Mr Joyce said the Nationals had increased their representation at the July federal election.

"We will keep doing our job. I genuinely believe the Coalition of the Liberal Party and the National Party is the best form of government for Australia," he said.

"If you want to be a philosopher on a log you'll have a small audience and generally you will find they've already made up their mind about you anyhow."

Mr Joyce said average voters were not raising with him controversial issues such as same-sex marriage, changes to section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act or the Safe Schools program.

He said Australians wanted to know about power prices and supply and how the government was supporting regional Australia.

On Monday, Mr Joyce said the Safe Schools program was regularly raised with him at branch meetings.

"That's the one they all stand up and say, 'What on earth is this?' " he said.

"And you sort of sit there, dribbling out of the corner of your mouth, going, 'I can't really explain this to you guys.' "

Deputy Nationals leader Fiona Nash said voters wanted unity in the government.

"It is the people out there in the community who are saying to me that they want the government to focus on those things that are important to them... which we are doing," she said. 

"It's about jobs, it's about health, it's about education and that unity from government will ensure that we continue to deliver for those people in those communities on those things they want to see us do."

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