

Strap yourself into 2017: it's going to be a bumpy ride

It's a good time for resolutions, and mine is to get a grip. Write with focus. Unfortunately this column's often become so absorbed in the detail occurring around us that it's missing the big trends. A New Year offers an opportunity to change that; frame objectives; and achieve them. But if we're going to accomplish anything it's necessary to understand our environment first. So some predictions for the year ahead.

Malcolm Turnbull will go. Not immediately perhaps, but even he's clever enough to realise it's been more than a decade since a prime minister who led a party to victory has been given the opportunity to lead his colleagues to the subsequent election. He's finished. The only issue still to be determined is the manner of his going. Personally, I think he'll grow bored as soon as he understands his impotence to achieve anything.

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Bill Shorten will go. His party won't give him the credit for destroying Tony Abbott or Turnbull: they think both were demolished by their own flaws. Now Labor realises its next leader will become PM, the manoeuvring has already begun. Nothing's firm, yet, however Shorten's prolonged run of poor polling (despite the government's incompetence) condemns him.

The deficit will remain untouched. Although economic issues – and particularly spendthrift governments – have been at the centre of our political disillusionment since the crisis of 2008 became apparent, neither party will be willing to make the bold calls necessary to deal with these. Yet until this occurs the country will continue drifting. Politicians will be too afraid to risk the wrath of the electorate to take the vital decisions that are urgently necessary if people are to believe Australia offers an inclusive future for everyone.

Extremes will flourish. Just as in America and Europe populist politicians with simplistic answers will evolve to occupy the political space that's been abandoned by the centre. Mainstream political parties have been focussed on building winning electoral coalitions of sectional interest groups. This has left them increasingly vulnerable to demagogues claiming they've got the "answer". They don't, of course, but people are increasingly angry because it no longer seems as if the goodies are being distributed equally. And that's because they're not.

Inequality will grow. When business creators grew fantastically rich there was at least some sense that their rewards were deserved. When managers, bureaucrats, and ex-politicians – those who haven't invented anything but simply organise the efforts of others – seize the spoils for no other reason than their "expertise", people will rightly grow angry. This didn't matter over the past 20 years because the economy was growing. Unfortunately that expansion has now stopped.


Technology will continue to destroy work. The replacement of humans with machines will continue apace. This will eat away at our social superstructure, not just here in Australia but across the world. The adjustment to this new work environment will be exceedingly traumatic. The irony here is that we've now entered a period of human development where there should be enough for everyone. Unfortunately it will take decades for us to find a new way of sharing out the goodies. This evolution will take decades.

The environment will be increasingly stressed. Resources, like gold and oil, have always been in scarce supply, but we've been able to take other vital needs items (such as land, air and water) more or less for granted. Desertification and salinity are destroying agriculture; breathing clean air is no longer possible in many major cities; and fresh water is increasingly scarce where it's needed. We need to understand this and place a realistic value on these vital necessities.

Something will happen. Now add, to this litany of impending disaster, the unexpected. It may be a natural disaster (earthquake on the San Andreas fault-line, possibly provoked by climate change) or man-made (the disintegration of North Korea or crisis in the South China Sea). We already face enough problems yet the reality is that something will occur that we just can't foresee today.

But the future shouldn't be all doom and gloom ... Interactions with others can create meaning in our lives. A couple of days ago, at coffee, the important head of a big organisation took a moment to come over and wish me happy Christmas. He didn't need to bother, nevertheless his action made me feel valued as a person. There is a strong rumour that this bloke is actually a machine and, according to this theory, his "hello" was merely a cheap investment in creating a positive media environment. Perhaps. But I choose to believe it was more than that.

At first glance this list of what we can look forward to in the year ahead doesn't appear particularly optimistic. This item, however, way overbalances all of the other mundane concerns that so often seem to overwhelm us on a daily basis. The critical point is to remember that our life won't be made meaningful by the acquisition of power or wealth; family and friends are the necessary ingredients for a positive life in the coming year. Let's nurture these relationships carefully. They are far more valuable than trinkets or ideologies.

Nicholas Stuart is a Canberra writer.