
Peter Martin

Peter Martin is the Economics Editor for The Age.

It's almost as if our weight wants to be maintained.

Here's a new year diet that might actually work

This year you are going to lose weight. Really. Not like last year, when you tried to eat less and exercise more and ended up no lighter, but by approaching the problem differently. Because calories in and calories out is probably the worst way to think about it.

The Dow Jones keeps making fresh record highs but some of Donald Trump's policies could cause a US recession

Recession? We're not even close

The Treasury and the Reserve Bank are likely to 'look through' the reported numbers to focus on what's happening beneath them.

Study after study finds that more expensive wines taste better, when people know they are more expensive.

Do your guests a favour. Serve them something cheap

I hate going into bottleshops. Partly because I was brought up a Methodist, and partly because I never pick the right thing. If I spend too much, I'll be wasting my money; if I spend too little, the guests will think I'm serving rubbish. And to me, it all tastes the same.