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Eddie McGuire and Caroline Wilson: Can Eddie still think he's funny?

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’We have to do better’: AFL CEO

AFL CEO Gillon McLachlan has condemned Eddie McGuire’s controversial comments aimed at journalist Caroline Wilson. Courtesy: ABC News24

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It's nobody's business but Collingwood's whether they decide to get rid of Eddie McGuire after this latest humiliating episode of deep crevice arse-face. Then again it's nobody's business but ours whether we judge him for it.

It's hard to say that McGuire, a serial offender against good manners and simple decency, went too far with this latest fiasco, a rhetorical assault on sports writer and broadcaster Caroline Wilson, because he's gone too far too many times to have any sort of sensible baseline against which to judge him.

McGuire, as always, gives every impression of seeing himself as the aggrieved party. It was all just a bit of fun. He was only kidding. Cor blimey, the braying laughter of his stooges and toadies as he joked about drowning Wilson proves it. We wuz just havin' a bit of a larf, guvnor!

Eddie McGuire.

Eddie McGuire. Photo: Scott Barbour

The bully always laughs as they hold your head under and flush the toilet. To be fair, from their perspective, it really is a jolly old wheeze.


Step back, however, and it doesn't seem so funny. 

Put yourself in the place of the one who's supposed to grin and bear it as their head gets jammed deep into the S-bend and the humour can seem a little… forced.

Maybe it's just me, but the behaviour of McGuire and his idiot stooges (yeah, everyone forgets the idiot stooges, but their moronic chorus of hurr-hurr-hurr is an integral part of the 'fun') looked very much like sexist bullying. As a middle class white man my personal experience of sexist bullying is pretty thin, so I'm admittedly reaching here, but lets reach for my trusty Macquarie Dictionary:

Bully. (n) 1. "A blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who browbeats smaller or weaker people"

    2. Someone who intimidates or demeans another, especially as by repeated threats to their person career, or social standing, or by harassment in person, on social networks, etc.

I don't know that I'd be comfortable describing Wilson as smaller or weaker than McGuire. It seems somehow wrong. And there's no universe in which Adam Goodes, another target of McGuire's oafish sense of humour, can truthfully be perceived as smaller or weaker than Collingwood's president. Except of course Wilson is a woman, and Goodes is black and the fact that this wealthy, privileged munting clown thinks making jokes at their expense is not just acceptable, but actually funny, goes a long way towards explaining why sexism and racism remain a live issue for so many people.

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  • McGuire continues playing "Biff" Tannen in his own remake of "Back to the Future".

    Time to go back to the past McGuire and let Australia get on with its future.

    A Green
    Date and time
    June 20, 2016, 11:06PM
    • Eddie did nothing wrong.
      It was a bad, unfunny joke but it wasn't offensive.

      Take a cold shower
      Date and time
      June 21, 2016, 5:04AM
      • Maybe not to you, but to a lot of women and men (such as myself), making light of violence against women is rather offensive.

        Date and time
        June 21, 2016, 7:51AM
    • Your comments is spot on, although you completely miss the mark about weakness in McGuire's victims. It's not their weakness, but the bully's overweening sense of power that is telling.

      And we see it here. Would you of I still be in a job if we came out publicly as an employee and said what he said? I think not, and for my employee, definitely not.

      This bully needs to be branded as such, run out of town and removed from the public so as to not cause more blight on our souls. Let that be an example to others of his ilk.

      reality land
      Date and time
      June 21, 2016, 5:22AM
      • Of course it was sexist. If they said it about a man no-one would have noticed.

        Date and time
        June 21, 2016, 6:31AM
        • But when did they last say something like this about a man?

          Date and time
          June 21, 2016, 9:11AM
        • Stop the BS - er, you seem to have missed the mention of Eddie's comments about Adam Goodes. AFAIK, Goodes is a man and a lot of people were quite vocal about how offensive the comments were.

          Date and time
          June 21, 2016, 9:44AM
        • Really? I think I'd also be alarmed by someone "bantering" about drowning a man. I don't think drowning people belongs in the realm of banter, no matter who you're talking about.

          Date and time
          June 21, 2016, 8:09PM
      • A smarter person than me (so, obviously, it was Mrs W) said of this episode that the only safe way to make a joke at someone's expense when speaking in public is for that someone is to be yourself.

        If Fast Eddie had joked that they should send the hat around to see how many people would pay to see him go under the ice and stay under the ice, then THAT might have been funny. Maybe he's a bully, maybe he's an entitled moron, maybe he's out of his depth in this modern go-go world of nuance. But not offending people is really not a difficult lesson to learn.

        Dave W
        Date and time
        June 21, 2016, 8:28AM
        • Anyone who heard the exchange would know it was only said in jest.
          Nothing said by McGuire was sexist but the ensuing uproar surely is. If McGuire's comments had been aimed at a man no one would've batted an eyelid.

          Date and time
          June 21, 2016, 2:30PM

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