
Sydney Festival artist Cat Jones led by the nose to create scents of the city

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Sydney smells like chlorine and damp skin. Like sea air and blonde hair, heat and steam, a street protest and Mardi Gras in the rain. Like chalk drawings on a footpath by the beach or the fumes of a factory in the suburbs. Like salt mist. Like a women's refuge. Like an ice-cold oyster. Like a rendered brick wall. Like a $4.4 million home with bare kitchen benches and no water views.

Close your eyes and take a big whiff. I smell sunscreen and sweat. Cheap sauv blanc. Sodden grass cuttings. Jasmine. Car exhausts. Dog dirt. Personal trainers. Hot chips. Halal snack packs.  

Might you know a city by the way it smells? Artist Cat Jones has sought to capture its perfume, tang and stink for the free exhibition Scent of Sydney, an olfactory portrait of the city, for the Sydney Festival.

"Smell has such an incredibly powerful and immediate response in people," she says. "It unconsciously tells us where we are in space."

She has created 10 scents of Sydney from up to 300 different dilutions within the UTS Science Super Lab, where she is an artist-in-residence. The pristine room smells like disinfectant and hay. Why is it called super, I ask a lab assistant. "Because it's really, really big," she says.

Jones, who is wearing a white lab coat over a black skirt and blouse, based her concoctions on interviews with prominent Sydneysiders, including writer Anne Summers, photographer William Yang and political activist Lyall Munro jnr. Their opinions, memories and reflections helped her create a sensory experience of Sydney, which she separated into five broad themes: landscape, democracy, resistance, competition and extravagance.


What does democracy smell like, I ask. "My nephew said that democracy to him would smell like bread, because it's something that everyone is familiar with," she says. "Whether they choose to actually make the bread or eat bread is up to the individual person." It's a neat idea, unless you have a wheat allergy.

Jones says scents can "place people in ways of thinking they don't normally get to". Her interviewees for Scent of Sydney spoke about green bans and Mardi Gras, the sea and the sulphuric pong of big industry. Paralympian swimmer Sarah Houbolt said the smell of chlorine made her feel calm. Marine biologist William Gladstone recalled the aroma of chalk on cement as a child, when a church group in Clovelly would gather to draw by the beach.

Visitors to Jones' exhibition at Carriageworks will be able to contribute their own stories and smells of Sydney. On my recent visit to the Super Lab, she offers to create a special scent based on my reflections of the city.

"What comes to mind when you think about extravagance?" she says. I mention private schools and mortgages, crazed storms, oversized homes, big cars, luxury car washes and gelato queues.

Jones then mixes together several fragrant dilutions, including essential oils and resins, to capture such sentiments: aurentiol (for new car smell), pyralone (for fumes) and espresso distillate (for lattes).

She's an olfactory artist not a perfumer. But she once created a limited edition fragrance called Radical Ecologies that included a splash of her own tears, which she collected by crying into a bottle. How did you make yourself cry? "Well, I guess I waited for opportune moments," she says.

She dips a strip of blotter paper into my scent of Sydney and waves it near my nose. It smells like cheap coffee in an overpriced car wash, I say. Jones labels it "Overblown No 3" and lets me take it home.

Scent of Sydney is at Carriageworks from January 7 to 29, excluding Mondays