ACT News

Hawker man accused of violent rape of sex worker refused bail

A Hawker man accused of violently raping a sex worker with his brother and another man was refused bail by an ACT magistrate.

Ahmed Alabbasi, 31, appeared in court on Tuesday charged with multiple rape and assault crimes, relating to two incidents in Canberra.

The Crown opposed bail. A police officer told the ACT Magistrates Court police feared he would reoffend, noting the vulnerable nature of the alleged victims, who often worked alone and at night.

"The fears are for the safety of the community," she said.

The officer said police also feared he would contact the complainants. He knew their names through court documents, and could easily find their contact details on websites or ads, she said.

She told the court his visa had been cancelled, and if he were released on bail he might be picked up by immigration officials, at which point police would have no control over whether he was deported.


Alabbasi would often disappear on his wife and children for "days on end", and not respond to messages about her needing the car or food for the children, the officer said.

She said police believed he was a regular ice user, and in contact with a known drug dealer. In particular, he had exchanged messages about how a drug debt would double if it were not paid.

The risks of the man's release were "too high," the prosecutor said.

The man's defence solicitor Toni Tu'ulakitau, from Rachel Bird & Co, said Alabbasi had full-time employment to go to if he were released on bail, and there were arrangements to redirect his pay to support his wife and children, who were in the courtroom. Mr Tu'ulakitau said the man could abide by a curfew and reporting conditions.

"Mr Alabbasi knows the charges he's facing, and it would be foolish for him to breach any of the conditions," Mr Tu'ulakitau said.

The two incidents allegedly happened earlier this year.

On March 12, 2016, a man made an appointment with a sex worker in Reid. Three men allegedly turned up to the appointment, overpowered the woman and sexually assaulted her in the bedroom. Police say Alabbasi and his brother Mohamad were two of them.

Another woman, who was in the living room hiding behind the couch, messaged a friend, who called police. Mohamad Alabbasi allegedly found her in the meantime and dragged her into a bedroom. The woman's male friend later arrived, and with another woman forced the three men from the unit.

On May 10, 2016, it's alleged Alabbasi drove with Mohamad to a hotel in Braddon. Mohamad Alabbasi allegedly met a woman, also a sex worker, in the lobby and then went to a room.

The officer said the woman had a high fee, about $350 a half-hour.

The pair spoke about money, and when the woman realised he didn't have any, the man allegedly produced a box cutter and threatened her with it, before sexually assaulting her in the room.

The officer said Mohamad Alabbasi had since made a statement to police, saying they had planned to steal from the woman.

On Tuesday, Magistrate Karen Fryar refused bail.

She noted the strong prosecution case, the apparent escalation of violence and the risk of harassing witnesses. There were no bail conditions that would mitigate the risks, she said.

"If he's not concerned enough to keep in contact with his family, it begs the question, [whether] he's likely to be concerned enough to keep in contact with the court," she said.

Alabbasi has been charged with multiple offences - of rape, sexual assault, aggravated robbery and unlawfully confining someone.

On Tuesday, during a second appearance in court, Magistrate Robert Cook committed Alabbasi for trial in the ACT Supreme Court.

In a separate court appearance, also on Tuesday, Mr Cook committed the man's brother Mohamad Alabbasi for trial in the higher court.

Both cases will return to court for directions in the new year.