
Australian-first screening exposes pancreatic cancer in asymptomatic people

For as long as she can remember, Carmel Pickup was told how much she looked like her father.

But there was one trait she desperately hoped she hadn't inherited.

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Carmel's family history of pancreatic cancer

When Carmel lost multiple family members to pancreatic cancer, she became afraid for her own health.

Mrs Pickup witnessed her fit and healthy 68-year-old father, Noel, deteriorate under the insidious effects of pancreatic cancer.

"It was awful; watching him die like that," Mrs Pickup, 51, said.

"He went downhill remarkably quickly after his diagnosis. He lost an awful lot of weight, his eyes went bright yellow. He had to drag a towel around with him because the pores on the skin of his legs were constantly weeping clear fluid all over the floor."

Pancreatic cancer is notoriously hard to detect, and a diagnosis eluded doctors for months after he was first diagnosed with secondary liver cancer.


"It wasn't a calm passing. He was thrashing around until he haemorrhaged and passed away," she said.

He wasn't the first person in the family to die of pancreatic cancer. Mrs Pickup's paternal grandmother died of the disease, as did her great aunt and three other extended family members.

"I remember saying to my mother 'this is really scary'. I could see the pattern forming and I didn't want to be the next … I didn't want to be part of it," she said.

She searched for pancreatic cancer screenings, but was fobbed off.

"I was told, 'why are you doing this? You're too young'. I was basically a nuisance," she said.

Eventually her doctor referred her to St Vincent's Hospital, where out of sheer desperation two gastroenterologists, Alina Stoita and David Williams, were testing a novel early screening program.

The program, a first for Australia, was screening asymptomatic people with a high risk of developing pancreatic cancer in an effort to catch and treat the disease early.

"All the time I was telling patients: 'I'm sorry, it's terminal, it's too late, it's too late, it's too late'," Dr Stoita said.

"We just knew we had to figure out a way of diagnosing people earlier."

Pancreatic cancer has one of the poorest survival rates of any cancer, with just 6.8 per cent of sufferers living five years past their diagnosis.

"Many people have a survival rate of just three months – it's terrible," Dr Stoita said.

The "silent killer" came to national attention in October when The Bachelorette Australia, Georgie Love, publicly disclosed her mother had died of the disease six months after being diagnosed.

Yet very little has changed in the way doctors diagnose pancreatic cancer and the survival rate has not improved for 30 years.

Dr Stoita and Dr Williams clung to a sliver of hope for early detection: up to 10 per cent of pancreatic cancers are hereditary.

A person with two close relatives with the disease has a 16 per cent chance of developing it themselves. The risk rises to 40 per cent for someone who has three first-degree relatives diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

In collaboration with the Garvan Institute's Australian Pancreatic Genome Initiative, the gastroenterologists started screening healthy individuals with two first-degree family members with the disease, or known familial mutations (BRCA2) in addition to a family member with pancreatic cancer, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, familial atypical melanoma, or hereditary pancreatitis.

Mrs Pickup became one of those patients.

The Central Coast local met a genetic counsellor to comb through her family history, and was referred to a geneticist at Garvan Institute to search for biomarkers linked to pancreatic cancer.

She underwent an endoscopic ultrasound, a minimally invasive procedure involving an ultrasound probe at the end of a thin tube inserted into the gut, allowing gastroenterologists to capture more detailed images of the pancreas, which is nestled just behind the stomach.

The image is much clearer than the conventional MRI or CAT scan offered to patients suspected of having pancreatic cancer, Dr Stoita said.

There it was – a shadowy blip on Mrs Pickup's ultrasound image showed a cyst on her pancreas. An abnormality that could potentially develop into pancreatic cancer.

"It was a shock when they showed me the cysts," Mrs Pickup said.

"I used to worry about them constantly, but it's a relief. I know that if it should develop into cancer I have a better chance than most of surviving," she said.

In the five years, the free screening program has been running, Dr Stoita and her colleagues have picked up two cases of pancreatic cancer in its early stages, both of which are operable.

Abnormalities on the pancreas have been detected in 30 per cent of the 100 patients who were screened.

"This is something that could make a world of difference to people at risk of pancreatic cancer," Dr Stoita said.

All 100 patients are being monitored for any changes.

"We have a watch and wait approach. I don't want to be removing a pancreas unless we have to," Dr Stoita said.

She and her colleagues are hoping to eventually expand their study nationally, with publicly funded screening programs in all capital cities, and additional funding for research into novel biomarkers that could improve early detection.