
Drugs, death and celebrity: headline-grabbers reveal a much bigger problem

The sudden deaths of Carrie Fisher and George Michael have thrust the disquieting trinity of drug addiction, death and celebrity into the public consciousness.

Much has been made of whether fame leaves the creative class vulnerable to addiction and premature mortality.

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Fans give 'Hollywood Star' to Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds are remembered by fans on Hollywood Boulevard after the famous mother and daughter die within a day of each other in Los Angeles.

A study investigating drug-related celebrity deaths between 1970 and 2015 identified 220 stars that fit the profile.

The average age at death was 38.6 years, and 75 per cent were male, found the study published earlier this year.

Deaths linked to prescription opioids had increased in the 21st century, the German researchers found, and celebrities were more likely to die younger if prescription opioids and heroin were involved.


But the deaths of Fisher and Michael are the headline-grabbers that also highlight a wider social issue affecting people of every ilk, drug addiction experts say.

Roughly 46.4 million people worldwide are addicted to illicit drugs,the 2015 Global Burden of Disease report suggests, an increase of over 16 per cent in a decade.

Despite the high coverage of celebrities with substance use problems, addiction is far more likely to affect the most needy sections of the population, said the director of the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC), Professor Michael Farrell.

Reports suggest both George Michael and Carrie Fisher died following cardiovascular events. Fisher had a massive heart attack on a flight to Los Angeles.

George Michael was found in bed by his partner on Christmas morning, reportedly from heart failure, but the exact cause of death is not known after the results of an initial post mortem was inconclusive.

Claims of drug use have dogged the singer throughout his career.

Though their deaths cannot be definitively linked to their respective drug problems, speculation has been hard to avoid. Fisher herself hinted her addictions would lead to her early demise, having nursed many drug-addled friends in their final days, and a body of medical research has linked illicit drug use to adverse cardiovascular events.

Cocaine was dubbed "the perfect heart attack drug" by a group of Sydney drug researchers.

Their 2012 study found even non-addicted recreational cocaine users were at increased risk of developing risk factors for premature cardiovascular events

Cocaine use was associated with a 30 to 35 per cent increase in aortic stiffness and higher systolic blood pressure, showed the study of 20 regular cocaine users and 20 controls recruited from a wealthy area of Sydney.

Left ventricular mass was also 18 per cent higher among cocaine users independent of other risk factors like smoking and alcohol consumption, found the researchers from the University of Sydney and NDARC.

Amphetamines, heroin and ecstasy can also affect the central nervous and cardiovascular system, according the international heart health organisations.

"Drugs that are stimulants increase the heart rate and blood pressure. It makes absolute sense that these drugs have a detrimental effects on the cardiovascular system," said the head of clinical services at Turning Point Drug and Alcohol Centre Dr Matthew Frei.

"Certainly we see, though it's pretty rare, people who are quite young have cardiac events related to stimulants like methamphetamines," he said.

As was the case with Fisher, who had kicked her addiction years before her death, the effects of substance misuse can lie dormant and affect people later in life.

"Though it is hard to prove causality," Dr Frei said.

Overdose – accidental and deliberate – and suicide among celebrities with drug problems were also a reflection of a wider social phenomenon. The death of Heath Ledger, deemed an accidental overdose, galvanised awareness campaigns that warned the public of the risk of addiction associated with prescription opioids.

"People most often become addicted to these drugs after they've been prescribed by their doctor. They don't go seeking them out," Dr Frei said.

"If people with high profiles and a lot of advantage are struggling with these drugs it tells me that disadvantaged people are going to find them very difficult to deal with," he said.

When actor Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose in 2014, the ensuing media coverage exposed persistent myths surrounding the 'typical' drug addict.

Despite the persistent belief that heroin misuse is an early 20s behaviour, one third of heroin users are over 40-years-old, a 2011 NDARC drug trends report found.

An separate NDARC study found overdose deaths among 35 to 54-year-olds had jumped significantly between 2001 and 2011

Alcohol and drug use disorder have been strongly linked to suicide risk, though causation is notoriously difficult to confirm. Individuals with an addiction are almost six times more likely to report attempting suicide at some time in their lives. Among women, substance addiction increases suicide risk 6.5 to nine times compared to non-addicts.

"Substance use problems are an issue across all levels of the community," Dr Frei said.

Celebrities may simply have easier access to certain expensive illicit drugs than those in lower socio-economic groups, he said.

And while personality traits traditionally associated with actors and musicians (creativity, emotional rawness, narcissism, need for approval) may be linked to risk of addiction, myriad social and biological factors affect an individual's predisposition to substance misuse, he said.

Celebrities with drug addictions may influence drug culture for better and worse. In Fisher's case, her outspoken advocacy for both awareness and treatment has been credited with changing the way both Hollywood and the wider community talk about addiction.