Federal Politics

Ceasefire falters as UN says Aleppo bombing likely a 'war crime'

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1. Syria

The ceasefire in Aleppo does not appear to be holding as shelling and artillery fire continues, stalling the evacuation of civilians from the besieged city. [Fairfax]

The UN human rights chief has said on Wednesday that bombing by the Syrian government and its allies onrebel-held areas "packed with civilians" likely constitute a war crime. [BBC]

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Thousands of civilians flee Aleppo

Evacuating the rebel-held part of eastern Aleppo as the Syrian army and its allies take control of large areas in the city.

2. Pyne invokes Trump

Christopher Pyne has invoked Donald Trump in urging Australia not to be "strategic bludgers" and boost our Defence spending during a shambolic press event in France, which was designed to showcase Australia's $50 billion submarine contract with shipbuilder DCNS. [My report]

Australia will be a base for the United States most powerful fighter plane - the Raptor F-22 - from next year in what can only be read as "pretty high-end coercive signalling to China." The announcement was made by the Commander of the US Pacific Command, Admiral Harry Harris in Sydney. [David Wroe/Fairfax]

3. Duterte admits to killings

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte attends a signing ceremony at the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2016. Duterte is on a state visit to Cambodia, where a meeting with Prime Minister Hun Sen will bring together two Southeast Asian leaders known for their tough-guy approach to governing. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith)

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. Photo: AP

​The president of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte has made some alarming comments at a business forum, discussing how when he was mayor of Davao he shot people on the spot.


"In Davao I used to do it personally. Just to show to the [policemen] that if I can do it, why can't you?" he said.

"I go around in Davao (on) a big bike and I would just patrol the streets and looking for trouble. I was really looking for an encounter to kill."

Almost 6000 people are believed to have died in Duterte's bloody war on drugs. [Lindsay Murdoch/Fairfax]

4. Trump's tech summit

Leaders of major tech companies - including Apple's Tim Cook, Microsoft's Satya Nadella and Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg - are due to meet with President-elect Donald Trump today. One topic on the agenda is likely to be proposed changes to US immigration policies which have left the sector nervous. [Olivia Solon/Guardian] Meanwhile, Travis Kalanick, the chief executive of Uber, and Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla, will take on strategic advisory roles with Trump, according to the incoming president's team. [Fairfax]

Trump confirmed former Texas governor Rick Perry as his pick to lead the Energy Department overnight. Perry's ties to the oil industry are drawing scrutiny. [Fairfax]

Meanwhile, there's a really interesting feature in Politico today about the Clinton campaign's missteps in Michigan, which offer much insight into why the Democrats lost key states in the American Midwest on November 8. [Edward Isaac-Dovere/Politico]

Australia's Ambassador to the United States Joe Hockey says Donald Trump's position on Trade is damaging for the US in Asia. John Kehoe/Financial Review

5. Uber expands self-driving. 

Uber is expanding its trial of self-driving cars, extending to San Francisco, it announced today. If successful, the move puts the start-up giant one step closer to destroying some of the more than one million jobs it says it created by disrupting taxi monopolies around the world. [My report/Fairfax]

6. Nicole Kidman's Oscar campaign picks up

Nicole Kidman looks likely to score her fourth Academy Award nomination for Lion after picking up a SAG Award nomination overnight - considered a bellwether for the Oscars. Emily Blunt also scored a surprise nomination for The Girl on the Train. [Fairfax]​

Nicole Kidman plays real-life adoptive mother Sue Brierley in Lion.

Nicole Kidman plays real-life adoptive mother Sue Brierley in Lion. Photo: Darbs Darby (Andrew Darby)