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Ruber Eaglenest reviews Stone Harbor: "Amazing premise in an amazing custom hypertext system" January 6, 2017
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Ruber Eaglenest reviews Letters: "Interesting concept that doesn’t live to its premise." January 6, 2017
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Ruber Eaglenest reviews Quest for the Traitor Saint: "Really nice world building. Even with an enciclopedia inside!" January 6, 2017
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Ruber Eaglenest reviews Fair: "Very funny “slice of life” in the miserable life of a self-publishing writer." January 6, 2017
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Ruber Eaglenest reviews Aether Apeiron: The Zephyra Chronicles: "Greeky pulp with heavy structure problems" January 6, 2017
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Ruber Eaglenest reviews Mirror and Queen: "Superb fracture on Snow White." January 6, 2017
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IFDB Recommends...

Worldsmith, by interactive Fables
The Septem Tower has held steady in the Manifold, the space between time and the Real, for billenia. Populating the Tower are the Anemoi,...

Lifestream, by Unimatrix Productions
"Father Randolph Holton was dead. Not literally, of course. But in his heart, he knew he could not live on...not after everything he had...

La onzième horde, by Laurent Pendarias

Véritable « nouvelle dont vous êtes le héros », La onzième horde se présente comme un jeu où vous incarnez Hippathie, une aéromaîtresse....

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#2Wade Clarke
#4Sam Kabo Ashwell

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