• The organizations on this list have notified the Department of Commerce that they adhere to the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework developed by the Department of Commerce in coordination with the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner of Switzerland. The U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework provides guidance for U.S. organizations on how to provide adequate protection for personal data from Switzerland as required by the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection.
  • An organization's self-certification of compliance with the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework, and the appearance of the organization on this list pursuant to the self-certification, constitute an enforceable representation to the Department of Commerce and the public that it adheres to a privacy policy that complies with the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework.
  • There are benefits to organizations that participate in the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor program, but participation in the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework and self-certification to the list are voluntary. Once an entity elects to participate in the program, it is legally required to comply with the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles. An organization's absence from the list does not mean that it does not provide effective protection for personal data or that it does not qualify for the benefits of the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor program. In order to keep this list current, a notification will be effective for a period of twelve months; therefore, organizations must notify the Department of Commerce every twelve months to reaffirm their continued adherence to the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework.
  • Organizations should notify the Department of Commerce if their representation to the Department is no longer valid. Failure by an organization to so notify the Department could constitute a misrepresentation.
  • An organization may withdraw from the list at any time by notifying the Department of Commerce. Withdrawal from the list terminates the organization's representation of adherence to the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework, but this does not relieve the organization of its Safe Harbor obligations with respect to personal information received during the time that the organization was on the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor List.
  • If a relevant self-regulatory or government enforcement body finds that an organization has engaged in a persistent failure to comply with the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Privacy Principles, then that organization is no longer entitled to the benefits of the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor program. In this case, the organization must promptly notify the Department of Commerce of such facts either by email or letter. Failure to do so may be actionable under the False Statements Act (18 U.S.C. 1001). That organization must also provide the Department of Commerce with a copy of the decision letter from the relevant self-regulatory or government enforcement body.
  • In maintaining the list, the Department of Commerce does not assess and makes no representations to the adequacy of any organization's privacy policy or its adherence to that policy. Furthermore, the Department of Commerce does not guarantee the accuracy of the list and assumes no liability for the erroneous inclusion, misidentification, omission, or deletion of any organization, or any other action related to the maintenance of the list.
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3966 Results
OrganizationPersonal Data
@legal discovery LLCAll personal data/On-line/On-line
1010data Global Telecom Solutions LLCAll personal information subject to the U.S.-EU and/or U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Privacy Principles (client data).
101domain, IncData collected directly on the Internet; Data collected manually via paper, phone, or tradeshows.
12 Interactive LLCuser registration, personal information, user preferences, transactional data, online data
1WorldSync, Inc.Personal information received about individual contacts of former, current and prospective customers.
2020 ResearchMarket research data primarily dealing with consumer research.
23andMe, Inc.On-line data, offline data, manually processed data
247 Customer, Inc.Data collected through [24]7 predictive experience platform includes information collected through our services offered to our clients as a Software as a solution provider. The data collected can include Online, offline, chat data etc.
2Checkout.com, Inc.Personal Data of clients and their customers that is processed on-line, off-line and manually
2smsonline data, manually processed data.
3 Story SoftwareOff-line, on-line, manually processed data, human resources data.
3D Systems CorporationHuman Resources Data
3dna Corporation, Inc. dba NationBuilderConsumer data, digitally processed.
3Fitt, Inc.Customer/User data. There is no manually processed data.
3G SELLING LLCClient/Customer contact information such as name, email address, mailing address, phone number. Information about their business such as company name, company size, business type. May be online or data received offline.
3M CompanyEmployee personal data
411 Labs IncCollaboration platform profile data, including: user number, user name, user phone (if completed), user address (if completed), email address.
41st ParameterOnline
5.11, Inc.The organization's employee data is manually entered into the HR/Payroll system initially then payroll becomes automatic; The types of customer personal information collected via e-commerce include: 1) Name; 2) Address ; 3) E-mail Address; 4) Phone Number; and 5) Credit/Debit Card Information.
6Sense InsightsInformation received from customers, prospective customers and suppliers.
7th Sense Limited PartnershipOrganization, client and consumer. Consumer data includes phone numbers, email addresses and addresses. The data covered does not include manually processed data.
81qdAll personal information received
89degrees, Inc.on-line and off-line customer transaction data
8x8, Inc.Customer personal information could be incidental information left by or for the customer on their on Voice-Mail, or sent via Fax, etc. This information is stored locally and securely by European member state.
99designs, Inc.Online data
A. Schulman, IncPersonal information regarding employees and related to the employment relationship, which includes manually processed data.
A.C. Coy CompanyA.C. Coy, as an organization, does not receive any Personal Information from the EU. A.C. Coy does have two employees who are currently working as consultants for a client. In the performance of their duties as Information Technology Systems Analysts, they may required to view personal Human Resources data of client employees in order to verify or debug the systems. No data is manually processed.
A.R.O., Inc.On-line data = data collected directly on the Internet
A.T. Kearney, Inc.Online, offline
A2 Hosting, Inc.off-line, on-line