Daily Life

Health gurus reveal their goals for 2017

They report on the latest trends, but what about their own goals? Nine experts share their plans for 2017.

This year, I will - deal with anxiety

Linda Blair, clinical psychologist

Last year, before bed, I got into the habit of writing down what I hoped to achieve the following day - in any order, just as things occurred to me. I then ranked them in order of priority and put the list where I could see it in the morning. Then I enjoyed a cup of either hot chocolate or peppermint tea with honey, and got into bed as early as I could manage.

In the morning, I woke either with the sunrise or, in the winter, using a light alarm. Once the increasing light woke me, I lay in bed and took 10 slow yoga breaths before getting up.

In 2017, I'm going to make small changes to my morning routine to help me approach life in a calm, positive way. I'll sip a big glass of water with a bit of lemon, and do half an hour of yoga, choosing whatever poses feel right that day.


That way, each day is framed with calmness and positivity at either end, so I'll in the best position possible to deal with any stresses that may come my way.

This year, I will - improve muscle tone

Fiona Hunter, nutritionist and food writer

My resolution for 2017 is to incorporate some resistance exercise into my existing regime. Resistance exercises - where you work against some force that "resists" your movement - help build muscle, and are especially useful for older people to keep fit.

As we get older, we start to lose muscle mass, a process known sarcopenia. As your ability to burn calories is related to the amount of muscle you have, once you start to lose muscle it's more difficult to control your weight. Muscle loss also increases the likelihood of falls and fractures.

The good news is that resistance exercises don't necessarily involve expensive gym memberships; I'll be investing in some resistance bands and a couple of hand weights that I can use at home.

This year, I will - be more mindful

Alexa Frey, co-founder and director of The Mindfulness Project

Last year, my resolution was to mindfully tidy up and reorganise my flat. It helped, but this year I want to clear my schedule and take more time out for myself. In our hectic lives, we are always rushing on to the next thing. But we seldom take a conscious pause. So I have promised myself that in 2017, I will spend every Saturday just with myself. I will turn off my phone and computer and reconnect with myself. I will remind myself what I am grateful for in my life, sit at my fireplace and read a book, nurture my body with healthy food and attend a yoga class. On that day, each week, I will be there - completely for myself.

This year, I will - give up caffeine (again)

Daniel O'Shaughnessy, founder of The Naked Nutritionist

I have decided to give up caffeine once and for all. As it is, I normally drink only one cup a day, as well as green tea, but have recently discovered that my body is slow at metabolising caffeine.

I've tried to give up caffeine before, but went back to it after a couple of months. The first few days were horrendous, as I had awful headaches as well as tiredness. But after three days, I was sleeping better and my energy was back to normal, if not better. I was almost shocked at how refreshed I felt after waking up in the morning.

The thought of having to go through the withdrawal process again is slightly excruciating, but I know the benefits will be worth it.

This year, I will - do more weight training

Millie Mackintosh, fitness blogger

Heavy weight lifting not only keeps your body toned, it helps build lean muscle while burning stubborn fat - and the more muscle you have, the leaner you will become over time. I already do 70kg back squats, and everyone should follow a progressive weight-lifting programme; it will leave you leaner, stronger and more toned - as well as being a fun personal way to try to better yourself at the gym. Compared with other types of training, there are great hormonal benefits, too.

Made: A Book of Style, Food and Fitness by Millie Mackintosh (Ebury Press, £16.99)

This year, I will - cut down on sugar

Zita West, a leading fertility and pregnancy expert

This year, I'm expecting my first grandchild. I gave my daughter the same advice on nutrition that I give to all the women that come into my fertility clinic: cut down on sugar. In order to make a mature egg - both naturally and for IVF - there is a delicate and complex interplay of reproductive hormones that need to peak and flow throughout the month. And unfortunately for those with a sweet tooth, sugar is a major hormone disruptor and affects blood sugar balance, having a negative impact on this process. Try to get your sugar fix from naturally sweet sources such as dried fruits, organic maple syrup and honey.

The IVF Diet by Zita West (£18.99, Vermillion)

This year, I will - stop worrying about my sleep pattern

Dr Neil Stanley, independent sleep expert

I've been working in sleep for 35 years, so I would hope that I am already doing the most important things to ensure good sleep each and every night, such as having a wind-down routine to quieten my mind (for me, this is reading a book), a regular wake-up time every day, and sleeping in a dark, quiet, cool bedroom. But the one thing I am going to try to change this year is my reaction when woken during the night. Your sleep can be disturbed by noise if it is meaningful; if it is not important, your brain realises it does not need to attend to it and it will not disturb you.

My problem is that I often become fixated on night-time noises, thus according it an importance far in excess of the actual sound level. This leaves me wound up and unable to sleep. In the future, I will try to relax more, and not let it get to me.

This year, I will - look after my hair

Lily Soutter, nutritionist and weight-loss expert

My hair has a tendency to be on the dry side. Last year, my resolution was to consume optimal amounts of protein - lean meat, fish, yoghurt, tempeh, beans, lentils, chickpeas, nuts and seeds - to prevent it from becoming brittle. It definitely helped, but this year I am going to make sure it is stronger and shinier by eating more food with omega-3 fats. These essential fatty acids can nourish and condition hair follicles, which can help to prevent a dry scalp and dull-looking hair; studies have shown that omega-3 fats may even prevent hair loss.

My goal is to ensure that I incorporate two to three portions of oily fish into my diet a week. I will choose fresh mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines or anchovies - as well as a tablespoon of ground flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, chia seeds or walnuts - into my diet daily.

This year, I will - boost my immune system with a pill

Charlotte Stirling Reed, nutritionist

For the rest of the winter, I'll take a daily supplement of vitamin D, in line with a new government recommendation that we get 10mcg a day during the darker months.

Known as the "sunshine vitamin", because the skin produces it in response to natural sun exposure, it is important for bone health, helping the body to absorb calcium, as well as for keeping a tip-top immune system. When there's limited access to the sun - and plenty of cold and flu germs spreading around the office - a supplement will help ensure I get my daily dose.

The Telegraph, London