ASIC loses case against LM Investment founder Peter Drake

ASIC loses case against LM Investment founder Peter Drake

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has been left with egg on its face after comprehensively losing its case against the founder of LM Investment Management Peter Drake. The Federal Court found the corporate regulator's expert witness had shown "evasiveness" and gave "preposterous" testimony.

ASIC took action against Mr Drake and LM directors Francine Mulder and Eghard van der Hoven alleging they had breached their directors' duties during their management of the Gold Coast financier.

The Federal Court found Gold Coast financier Peter Drake did not breach the Corporations Act.

The Federal Court found Gold Coast financier Peter Drake did not breach the Corporations Act.

Photo: Louie Douvis

LM Investment Management was placed into voluntary administration in March 2013, wiping out nearly all of the $800 million that had been invested in three of its funds by more than 12,000 investors in Australia and offshore.

Its best known development was the $1.5 billion Maddison Estate in the Gold Coast hinterland, which was spruiked by swimming star Susie O'Neill and stripper turned celebrity gardener Jamie Durie.

Investors poured hundreds of millions into schemes underpinning the massive development yet it was not built while in the hands of LM's management.


ASIC's case against Mr Drake and his two co-directors centred on the board giving approval to grant Mr Drake personal loans of $26 million ahead of the group's collapse.​ ASIC had initially taken action against three other board members but dropped its case against those directors last year.

In dismissing ASIC's case, Justice James Edelman​ said he had rejected the entirety of the evidence given by the principal expert called by ASIC, Hugh Woolley.

Mr Woolley is described in the court judgment as a funds investment manager with over 31 years' relevant financial services experience

"My concerns with Mr Woolley's evidence were so serious that I do not accept his evidence on any contested matter, even if it was not the subject of any substantial cross-examination," Justice Edelman said, in what will be his third to last judgment before joining the High Court.

"Mr Woolley's evidence did not merely cause a substantial impairment of ASIC's case in relation to the 2011 variation. It created substantial gaps in the whole of ASIC's case," Justice Edelman said.

Mr Edelman went on with his criticism of Mr Woolley, who could not be reached for comment by Fairfax Media.

"Unfortunately, he had paid scant attention to the key documents. And when confronted by matters which were inconsistent with ASIC's case, many of his answers were preposterous," Justice Edelman said.

Justice Edelman said Mr Woolley "displayed the worst characteristics of partisanship and could not, in any respect, be described as an independent expert" and described his evidence has "neither credible nor reliable".

"Apart from issues of demeanour and the general conduct of Mr Woolley's evidence including his evasiveness and inability or unwillingness to answer simple questions," Justice Edelman said.

ASIC is reviewing the court's decision and has no further comment at this time, the regulator said in a statement.

Sarah Danckert

Sarah is a business courts reporter based in Melbourne.

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