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The London interbank offered rate for three-month dollars was fixed at 1.00511 per cent, the highest level since 1.00688 ...

US Libor tops 1 per cent

The rate banks charge each other to borrow dollars for three months rose above 1pct for the first time since May 2009.

'If history is any precedent, record stocks at Chinese ports carry an ominous sign,' Axiom Capital Management analyst ...

Iron ore rally under threat

After surging in 2016 in a rally that caught out many investors, the commodity faces a challenge on renewed supply concerns.

Ford's move came after president-elect Donald Trump attacked rival General Motors.

Trump scores a victory as Ford aborts planned Mexico plant

President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday notched the biggest victory of his campaign to get automakers to keep jobs in the US when Ford cancelled a $US1.6 billion ($2.2 billion) Mexican expansion, saying it would add positions in Michigan instead.

"Too much faith has been put in OPEC and the other countries that have promised cuts," John Kilduff, a partner at Again ...

Oil lower amid OPEC doubts

Oil fell as the $US strengthened while doubts persisted about the ability of OPEC and its partners to balance the market.

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