WA News

Perth wakes to another scorcher after long, hot night

Perth has already reached a sweltering 40 degrees before lunchtime on Wednesday.

The official Perth temperature reached 40.9 at 11.29am. 

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It was even hotter at Perth Airport where it was 42 just after 11.30am.

The forecast for Perth on Wednesday was tipped to reach 41 degrees.

For those who woke up hot and bothered, you were likely in company with the rest of the city as the temperature overnight only dropped to 19.9 degrees around 1am, above the average January minimum of 18.2. 

The relative humidity was also higher than what Perth residents were used to, said Bureau of Meteorology forecaster Megan Colangelo. 


"We had a relative humidity after midnight between 60 and 75 per cent, so that wouldn't have helped people cool down," she said. 

"There wasn't much of wind and when there was it was still east to south easterly, and the sea breeze hadn't lasted very long."

It was so hot in Wagin, 225 km south-east of Perth, on Tuesday that a car window exploded due to the heat. Weather records show the town reached a top of 37 on Tuesday afternoon.

Wagin Police tweeted a picture of the window to prove it.

But relief is in sight for Thursday and beyond. 

"Early afternoon Wednesday the winds should shift to west-south-westerly," said Ms Colangelo.

"Tonight will be a little cooler at 18 degrees and tomorrow's maximum is forecast at 27 degrees."

The Bureau's outlook for January to March in the south-west of WA area predicts no major variation in the usual temperatures, but does predict cooler than average temperatures in parts of northern and central WA.