Matthew Knott


Federal political reporter, and covering communications + education. Likes marmalade, Kate Bush. Tips/abuse:

Canberra, Australia
가입일: 2009년 11월

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  1. 'Ideological vandalism worthy of Abbott era': Man Booker prize winner blasts Turnbull over book imports

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  2. BREAKING: Leaked NBN documents show NBN facing cost blow outs, delays because of poor Optus cables via

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  3. 님이 리트윗함

    Government faces stoush with authors over removal of parallel book imports.

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  4. Government supports the removal of parallel import restrictions on books - caused BIG headaches for Labor in power

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  5. Government supports the removal of parallel import restrictions on books - causes BIG headaches for Labor in power

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  6. Morrison says debate on an effects test is too binary - needs to move beyond the "full Harper" or "no Harper" options

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  7. Govt clearly doesn't think much to spruik re competition review - announcing just after PM's major terrorism statement

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  8. Government puts off decision on an 'effects test' until next year - discussion paper due mid Feb

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  9. Government is supporting 44 of Harper Review's 56 recommendations - 'remains open' to other 12

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  10. Treasurer Scott Morrison announcing govt response to Harper Competition Review

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  11. One of those vertigo-inducing days: Billson retirement, tobacco announcement, PM terrorism statement, Harper review response. It's 12.40pm.

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  12. Matthew Knott 님이 팔로우함 , ,
  13. One Labor MP raised concerns in caucus meeting about increase in tobacco taxes, saying smokers were "our voters" and Labor people

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  14. 님이 리트윗함

    Grief over the departure from Parliamet of has grown men weeping.

    번역 제공: 영어 by

    담아간 이미지 고유 주소
  15. . I'm pulling together a twelve page souvenir wrap around for tomorrow's paper.

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  16. 님이 리트윗함

    Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end...

    번역 제공: 영어 by

    담아간 이미지 고유 주소
  17. 님이 리트윗함

    Bruce Billson's retirement statement is very Bruce Billson.

    번역 제공: 영어 by

    담아간 이미지 고유 주소
  18. So and - both pretty savvy dudes - have predicted Turnbull will NOT raise the GST. Any others?

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  19. A Bruce-shaped hole opens up in our universe.

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  20. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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