Matthew Knott


Federal political reporter, and covering communications + education. Likes marmalade, Kate Bush. Tips/abuse:

Canberra, Australia
Unit: novembre de 2009

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Segur que vols veure aquests tuits? No es desblocarà @KnottMatthew per mirar-te'ls.

  1. Retuitat per

    Andrew Bolt to star in ABC documentary on Indigenous recognition

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  2. Great reporting by & : $1 million a graduate as brokers "student shop" disabled candidates

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  3. Retuitat per

    Christopher Pyne's steep learning curve: 12 weeks to spend $1.1 billion |

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  4. Ripper column by : Retirement living standards aren't so bad. You don't need much super

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  5. Retuitat per

    Ideas booms and all that jazz. What you need to know about the innovation statement via |

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  6. This is getting ugly now: "Bitterly dissapointed" colleagues blast Ian Macfarlane, comparing to Slipper defection

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  7. *Laughs, files away for revenge*

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  8. . just said my hair today looks like a "dead raccoon". What a guy.

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  9. Retuitat per
    2 des.

    Latika to London. Suspect she will take it by storm.

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  10. Retuitat per

    Never a more exciting time to be a National.. Former Abbott Minister to defect

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  11. Matthew Knott segueix , , i 3 més
    • @brisvegas1

      Lead Developer and Business Analyst at Griffith Uni eResearch Services. Politics tragic and Web activist.

    • @thomas_violence

      Bisexual. Bipolar. Biding my time. Host for Trashcrab Stevens. Keys for the Keepaways. Least loose unit at the Backburner on .

  12. Reckon this could build up some steam over coming months: Nationals push for changes to ABC board, charter

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  13. Retuitat per

    . He brings evidence to support claims of bias. You bring a super lame Austin Powers analogy. jumps a shark?

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  14. The Irish whisky is out in the The Age Canberra bureau...

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  15. Emergency measures: Government freezes payments to private colleges

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  16. ABC being innovative and agile with this student teaching quiz...

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  17. Retuitat per

    EXCLUSIVE: Tony Abbott attacks Julie Bishop, accusing her of telling falsehoods

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    Imatge d'enllaç permanent incrustada
  18. And this year the ABC's budget is ... $1 trillion dollars.

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  19. My estimates sketch: Eric Abetz has his Austin Powers moment grilling the ABC's Mark Scott

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  20. Community safety announcement: I have a piece coming up soon comparing Eric Abetz to Austin Powers. Please support me in this time of need.

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