Town of Bedford, NY
Westchester County
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Table of Contents
[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Bedford 11-21-1989; amended in its entirety 6-16-2009 by L.L. No. 4-2009. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Flood damage prevention — See Ch. 62.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 107.
Wetlands — See Ch. 122.
Zoning — See Ch. 125.

§ 102-1 Legislative intent.

For the purpose of protecting the general health, safety and welfare by maintaining and protecting the natural terrain and vegetation features; providing safe building sites by preventing surface erosion, creep and sudden slope failure; protecting important scenic views and vistas; preserving waterways, open bodies of water and wetlands; preventing flooding; and preserving areas of wildlife habitat, it is the intent of this chapter to regulate disturbance on steep slopes, prominent higher elevations, plateaus and hilltops that is visible from a public property, roads open to the public or other area open to or accessible to the public. Toward this end, wherever possible, new construction shall avoid disturbing such areas and the existing vegetation thereon. Consequently, modifications to a site shall use sensitive and sustainable methodologies and solutions that preserve the existing environment, to the maximum extent practicable, and harmoniously integrate both the natural and built environments.

§ 102-2 Definitions.

As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The area delineated on a site or subdivision plan within which all disturbance, clearing or building activity is to occur.
Land preparation, such as clearing, grading and filling, or the building of structures, including driveways.
The areas 100 feet back from prominent hilltops, ridgelines, plateaus with a slope of at least 25%, and other such topographic features that are visible from a public property, roads open to the public or other areas open to or accessible to the public, the development of which may impact scenic views, surface water drainage systems, open space, wildlife corridors, and existing vegetation, as identified on the Ridgeline Preservation Map as adopted by the Town Board and amended from time to time.[1]
Ground areas with a minimum slope of 25% or greater, with a minimum area of 100 square feet and a minimum horizontal distance of 10 feet.
Editor's Note: Said map is on file in the Town offices.

§ 102-3 Regulated activities; exemptions.

Regulated activities. It shall be unlawful to create any disturbance, other than an exempt activity as set forth in this chapter:
On any steep slope located within any lot or lots in the Town of Bedford, unless and until a steep slope permit is granted by the Planning Board pursuant to the requirements of this chapter; and
In any ridgeline preservation area located within any lot in the Town of Bedford, unless and until a ridgeline permit is granted by the Planning Board pursuant to the requirements of this chapter.
Exempt activities for a steep slope permit. The following activities on steep slopes do not require the issuance of a steep slope permit:
Any planting of landscape materials which does not require significant disturbance of existing terrain as determined by the Director of Planning.
Emergency situations, as determined by the Town Engineer, where the disturbance of steep slopes is required to protect persons, animals or property from imminent danger.
Exempt activities for a ridgeline permit. The following activities do not require the issuance of a ridgeline permit:
Any planting of landscape materials which does not require significant disturbance of existing terrain.
Emergency situations, as determined by the Town Engineer, where the disturbance of a ridgeline is required to protect persons, animals or property from imminent danger.
An addition or alteration to residential structures existing on the effective date of this section of this chapter unless:
Such alteration or addition is a complete removal of existing aboveground structures;
Such an alteration or addition would occupy a footprint (inclusive of overhangs and cantilevering) greater than 50% of the footprint of the existing structure; or
The new addition would exceed in height the highest point of the existing structure.

§ 102-4 Permit procedure for steep slope permits.

The Planning Board is hereby designated to administer and implement this chapter by granting or denying steep slope permits in accordance with its provisions.
An application for a steep slope permit shall be made on forms furnished by the Planning Board and shall include the following information:
Ten copies of a site plan, drawn at a scale of not less than one inch equals 30 feet, prepared by an engineer licensed by the State of New York, showing within the lot or lots containing steep slopes, the following:
The proposed location of all structures, septic systems, wells and driveways.
The location of the proposed area of disturbance and its relation to neighboring properties, together with buildings, roads, affected trees as defined in Chapter 112 of the Town Code, and affected wetlands as defined in Chapter 122 of the Town Code, if any, within 100 feet of the boundaries of said area. An inset map at a reduced scale may be used if requested by the Town Engineer.
Existing topography of the proposed area of disturbance at a contour interval of not more than two feet. Contours shall be shown for a distance of 50 feet or greater beyond the limits of the proposed area of disturbance, if determined necessary by the Town Engineer, in order to fully evaluate the application.
Proposed final contours and proposed surface materials or treatment at a maximum contour interval of two feet.
Existing topography of the area proposed to be disturbed and the entire watershed tributary to said area presented at a scale of not more than 100 feet per inch. This map shall show existing and, if required by the Town Engineer, proposed controls and diversions of upland water.
Existing soils on the property, taken from field investigations by a soils scientist and classified into hydrologic soil groups. The depth to bedrock and the depth to the water table, the K-factor and soil and rock strata in all areas of disturbance shall be identified.
The details of any surface or subsurface drainage system proposed to be installed, including special erosion control measures, designed to provide for proper surface or subsurface drainage, both during the performance of the work and after its completion.
The cut/fill map delineating proposed areas of disturbance at affected depths, in feet, of zero to three, three to six, six to 10, and 10 and over.
A slope map showing existing and proposed slopes for each of the soil types described in Subsection B(1)(f) above.
Any special reports deemed necessary by the Town Engineer to evaluate the application, including but not limited to geologic or hydrogeologic studies.
A written narrative explaining the nature of the proposal, including any future development proposals for the property and whether alternative locations exist for the proposed activity.
Town Engineer review. The Planning Board shall refer each application for a steep slope permit to the Town Engineer, who shall submit a written report to the Planning Board. This report shall contain the following items:
A recommendation on whether the submission is complete and contains sufficient information for the Planning Board to perform a proper review of the submission.
A recommendation of approval, disapproval, or approval with conditions, of the application.
A recommendation as to the amount of the performance bond to be posted to guarantee completion of the work, including stabilization or restoration of the site.
During its review of the steep slope application, the Planning Board shall:
Determine when an application is complete.
Review the application to determine that the requirements of this chapter have been satisfied.
Review each complete application and approve, approve with conditions or deny the application, in accordance with this chapter, within 60 days of the receipt of a complete application as determined in Subsection D(1) above.
Require posting of a performance bond or other security as a condition of approval, the amount of such bond or other security to be approved by the Town Board.
Public hearing. The Planning Board may, at its discretion, hold a public hearing on an application for a steep slope permit. If a public hearing is held, the notice and hearing requirements shall follow the requirements of § 125-58B of the Code of the Town of Bedford.
In granting a steep slope permit, the Planning Board shall find that all of the following conditions have been met:
The proposed activity is in accordance with the legislative findings listed in § 102-1 of this chapter.
The proposed activity is in accordance with the principles and recommendations of the Town Plan adopted by the Planning Board.
The proposed activity will not result in creep, sudden slope failure or additional erosion.
The proposed activity will preserve and protect existing waterways, floodplains and wetlands.
The proposed activity will not adversely affect existing or proposed wells or sewage disposal systems.
The proposed activity will not adversely affect any endangered species of flora or fauna.
After a steep slope permit is approved:
Unless otherwise indicated, the approved permit shall be valid for a period of two years from the date of issuance to complete the project. The Planning Board may grant a six-month extension to this period.
Following completion of the work, the applicant shall submit a certification by an engineer, licensed by the State of New York, that the completed work meets the requirements of the permit. The Town Engineer shall verify that the work has been completed in accordance with the permit. An as-built survey may be required to ascertain that the work was completed in accordance with the approved application.
Where the activity subject to this chapter also requires a Town of Bedford building permit, the Town of Bedford Building Inspector shall not issue a certificate of compliance or occupancy until the Town Engineer verifies that all work has been completed in accordance with the permit.
Any proposed revision to work covered by a steep slope permit shall be reviewed by the town engineering consultant. Where the town engineering consultant determines that a substantial revision is required, a new application to the Planning Board is required.

§ 102-5 Permit procedure for ridgeline permits.

The Planning Board is hereby designated to administer and implement this chapter by approving, approving with conditions, or denying ridgeline permits in accordance with its provisions.
The applicant shall have a preliminary meeting with the Director of Planning to discuss the application. The Director of Planning may require that the submission documents, identified in Subsection D of this § 102-5, be prepared by an engineer, architect or landscape architect licensed by the State of New York.
The Director of Planning may issue a ridgeline permit if the Director of Planning determines that the proposed activity is not visible from any public property, roads open to the public or other area open to or accessible to the public.
If the Director of Planning does not issue a ridgeline permit, an application for a ridgeline permit shall be made on forms furnished by the Planning Board. Submission documents shall include 10 copies of each of the following:
A site plan, drawn at a scale of not less than one inch equals 30 feet, showing within the lot or lots containing a ridgeline preservation area the following:
The proposed location of all structures, septic systems, wells and driveways.
The location of the proposed area of disturbance and its relation to neighboring properties, together with structures, roads, affected trees as defined in Chapter 112 of the Town Code, and affected wetlands as defined in Chapter 122 of the Town Code, if any, within 100 feet of the boundaries of said area. An inset map at a reduced scale may be used if requested by the Town Engineer.
Existing topography of the proposed area of disturbance at a contour interval of not more than two feet. Contours shall be shown for a distance of 50 feet or greater beyond the limits of the proposed area of disturbance.
Proposed final contours and proposed surface materials or treatment at a maximum contour interval of two feet.
The delineation of any intrusions and disturbance to any environmentally sensitive areas of the site as mapped or otherwise identified by the Town, including, but not limited to, wetlands, wildlife corridors, steep slopes and critical environmental areas.
Designs of all structures that include floor plans; elevations of all exterior sides with all finish materials identified and labeled; at least one cross section of all structures that present the height of the structures and relationship to proposed and existing grades; the location of all surface-mounted and freestanding lighting, including the fixture type and lamps. While a lighting photometric plan is not initially required, the Planning Board may require one based upon its review of the application.
A planting plan that presents any proposed landscape buffers or other plantings that may enhance the application.
A materials board that presents the exterior finishes on a structure and that includes all colors.
Photos of the proposed site taken from each section of public property, roads open to the public, or other area open to or accessible to the public from which the proposed site is visible. (Four-inch-by-six-inch photos are acceptable). Winter views are preferred. Each photo is to be numbered and clearly show the area proposed to be developed within the ridgeline preservation area. The applicant shall provide a map showing where each numbered photo was taken and an arrow showing the direction the camera was facing.
Any special reports deemed necessary by the Planning Board to evaluate the application.
In addition, the application shall include other information as the Planning Board may require to address the criteria described in § 102-5E.
Waiver of plan requirements. The Planning Board may waive specific submission requirements, provided that any such waiver will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of these regulations. In granting any waiver, the Planning Board shall attach such conditions as are, in its discretion, necessary to secure substantially the objectives of the submissions so waived.
Criteria. In granting, denying or conditioning any ridgeline permit, the Planning Board shall consider:
All relevant information, including but not limited to the following:
The proposed height and footprint of any structures, improvements or other feature of the project and the degree to which they may adversely impact scenic vistas and viewsheds or otherwise degrade the scenic character of the property.
Any proposed exterior lighting.
The potential adverse environmental impacts, including but not limited to soil erosion, siltation and flooding.
Proposed filling, excavation or grading.
Proposed buffer areas for screening new development and maintaining the scenic character of the property.
Areas of significant habitat or habitat corridors based upon a biodiversity map adopted by the Town Board, when such map becomes available.
Location of proposed structures (including any clustering) and other structures.
The potential impact on fauna and flora.
The potential impact on the treeline.
The proposed clearing or thinning of trees and other vegetation.
Colors and materials used and the extent to which they blend into the surrounding environment.
Modifications to the proposed action and the availability of alternative locations.
The extent to which utility lines may be buried to minimize adverse impact.
Proposed mitigation plans.
The possibility of minimizing adverse impacts, including, without limitation, improvements or safeguards which could feasibly be added to the plan or action.
The Planning Board also shall consider the following:
All evidence offered at or before any public hearing.
All reports from other federal, state or town agencies, boards or commissions.
Additional requested information from the applicant.
Any reports received from the Town Engineer, the Director of Planning or the Town's professional consultants.
Conditions in granting a ridgeline permit. In granting a ridgeline permit, the Planning Board may establish conditions to minimize impacts, including revisions to the plan. To the extent that impacts are unavoidable, the Planning Board may require a mitigation plan. Such conditions may include, without limitation, any of the following:
View and vista preservation. The Planning Board may require that, to the maximum extent practicable, any structure, improvement or other feature of the project not be visible from any public property, roads open to the public or any other area within the Town of Bedford used or accessible by the public.
Lighting standards and maximum structure heights that are more restrictive than those permitted under the Zoning Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 125, Zoning.
Development envelope or envelopes outside of which further development would be prohibited.
Visual buffers.
Color and material selection. The Board may require that, to the maximum extent practicable, colors and materials used for the improvements and structures be such that the structures blend into the surrounding environment.
Resiting proposed structures, improvements or other aspects of the projects.
A declaration of covenants to run with the land and to be recorded in the land records of Westchester County setting forth the conditions for granting approval.
Signage. The Board may prohibit the placement of signs visible above or within the tree canopy.
Such other conditions based upon the Board's considerations as set forth in Subsections A through C of this section.
Public hearing. The Planning Board may, at its discretion, hold a public hearing on an application for a ridgeline permit. If a public hearing is held, the notice and hearing requirements shall follow the requirements of § 125-58B of the Code of the Town of Bedford.
In granting a ridgeline permit, the Planning Board shall find that all of the following conditions have been met:
The proposed activity is in accordance with the legislative findings listed in § 102-1 of this chapter.
The proposed activity is in accordance with the principles and recommendations of the adopted Town Plan.
The proposed activity will not adversely affect any endangered species of flora or fauna.
After a ridgeline permit is approved:
Unless otherwise specified by the Planning Board, the approved ridgeline permit shall be valid for a period of two years from the date of issuance to complete the project. The Planning Board may grant a one-year extension to this period.
An as-built survey may be required to ascertain that the work was completed in accordance with the approved application.
Where the activity subject to this chapter also requires a Town of Bedford building permit, the Town of Bedford Building Inspector shall not issue a certificate of compliance or occupancy until the Director of Planning verifies that all work has been completed in accordance with the permit.
Any proposed revision to work covered by a ridgeline permit shall be reviewed by the Director of Planning. Where the Director of Planning determines that a substantial revision is required, a new application to the Planning Board is required.

§ 102-6 Penalties for offenses; corrective action.

Any person found violating any provision of this chapter, or conditions imposed by Planning Board approval, shall be served with a written notice by the Building Inspector stating the nature of the violation and ordering him to cease and desist therefrom.
Any person, upon conviction for an offense against this chapter, shall be guilty of a violation under the Penal Law and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both. Further, upon conviction, any person found violating the provisions of this chapter shall be liable to the Town of Bedford for any expense, loss or damage incurred by the Town of Bedford by the reason of such violation.
Whenever any person shall have been notified, in writing, by the enforcement officer that he is violating the provisions of this chapter or of any permission or extension thereof issued hereunder or has been served with a summons accusing him thereof, each day he shall continue such violation after such notification or service shall constitute a separate offense punishable by a like fine or penalty as herein set forth.
Notwithstanding the penalties hereinabove provided, the Town of Bedford may maintain an action or proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction to compel compliance with or to restrain by injunction the violation of any provision of this chapter or permit issued thereunder, including restoration of the disturbed area to its original condition.
The foregoing provisions for the enforcement of the regulation in this chapter are not exclusive but are in addition to any and all laws and regulations applicable thereto.

§ 102-7 Effect on existing operations or construction.

Any construction or operations existing within areas defined as steep slopes, or within a Ridgeline Protection Area, prior to the effective date of this chapter shall be exempt from this chapter, provided that no new construction or operation will be permitted after the effective date of this chapter except by permit as provided.

§ 102-8 Effect on subdivision and site plan.

Subdivision plans. Where the Planning Board has approved, with or without conditions, a final construction plan and final subdivision plat for a proposed subdivision, this approval may be deemed a duly issued steep slope permit and ridgeline permit, at the discretion of the Planning Board, provided that the following conditions have been satisfied:
All of the information, review, bonding, approval and other requirements of this chapter have been met.
The Planning Board may attach special conditions to the approval of the final construction plan and the final subdivision plat to ensure that the construction within steep slopes or a Ridgeline Protection Area occurs as approved.
Site plans. Where the Planning Board has approved, with or without conditions, a final site plan for a proposed development, this approval may be deemed to be a duly issued steep slope permit and ridgeline permit, at the discretion of the Planning Board, provided that the following conditions have been satisfied:
All of the information, review, bonding, approval and other requirements of this chapter have been met.
The Planning Board may attach special conditions to the approval of the final site plan to ensure that the construction within steep slopes or a Ridgeline Protection Area occurs as approved.

§ 102-9 Fees.

The fee for a steep slope permit and the fee for a ridgeline permit shall be as established from time to time by the Town Board.

§ 102-10 Severability.

Should any paragraph, section or portion thereof of this chapter be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unlawful, the same shall not affect the remainder of this chapter as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be invalid.

§ 102-11 When effective.

This chapter shall take effect immediately.