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Storm warning issued for south-east Queensland

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A storm warning has been issued for Queensland's south-east after cells began forming west of Brisbane on Thursday afternoon.

The Bureau of Meteorology issued a warning shortly after 4pm after "severe thunderstorms" were detected near Laidley and Gatton.

The east-moving storms were expected to reach Ipswich by 5.15pm.

Bureau spokesman Jess Carey said it was too early to know how severe the storms would become.

"There's some good storms building out to the west of the south-east and we expect them to move through the eastern Darling Downs, through past Toowoomba and towards the south-east over the coming hours," he said.

"…There are ingredients for severe thunderstorms, but just how severe is anyone's guess.


"You need a number of things to fall in line, but there's certainly enough ingredients to have storms that require warnings.

"Whether we're looking at November 27 sort of storms, I'd suggest that's probably unlikely, but it's not beyond the realms of possibility.

"We'll just have to watch it closely."