ಹುಡುಕಾಟದ ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳು
  1. The world's oldest , Granny, has died near . She was 105. In captivity, Orcas have a life expectancy of 16.

  2. Don't know your Congressman's phone number? Call: (202) 224-3121 And punch in your zip code. You will be transferred.

  3. "We really care about , you guys!" ~ people who supported a woman who had an illegal server in her bathroom.

  4. The claims Trump stopped change, never mentions voters who left angry messages for reps. I say we leave angry messages for .

  5. Don't be fooled! Donald Trump is a career crony capitalist who embodies the corruption of our political system.

  6. That's a win. House GOP Republicans feel the wrath of voters and call off the gutting of the Office of Congressional .

  7. Just so we're perfectly clear, didn't criticize the vote to remove the Office, he criticized the timing of it.

  8. It was not Trump but the thousands of Americans who spoke up that made the GOP reverse its changes. Got it, media?

  9. WE THE PEOPLE are responsible for forcing the House GOP to keep the office, NOT TRUMP

  10. $14.99 Only. Safety Child Car Seat Belt Cover Cushion Strap Soft Pillow Pad Speaker

  11. 60 Minutes pops Nancy Pelosi for INSIDER TRADING and now she is whining about 'ethics'? REALLY LOSER? Get lost!

  12. We have a voice and that is power-let the 115th Congress know we are watching EVERYTHING they do.

  13. House GOP reversed completely unacceptable plan to undermine Congressional thanks to thousands of Americans who spoke up.

  14. House Republicans Who Led Failed Effort To Gut Ethics Office Had Been Under Investigation

  15. Dear Democrats, You can't pick and choose when to be ethical. You have to choose all year round.

  16. House GOP fails to remove , but somehow I feel like they'll be getting all the corruption their unethical hearts desire under Trump

  17. GOP caves to public pressure & is backing off gutting panel. Apply this method when GOP tries to gut safety net, civil rights, etc.

ಲೋಡಿಂಗ್ ಸಮಯ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತಿರುವಂತೆನಿಸುತ್ತದೆ.

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