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Chakravarty Sulibele ಜನ 3
ಮದ್ಯ ಮಾರಾಟ ಹೆಚ್ಚಾದರೆ ಜಿಡಿಪಿ ಹೆಚ್ಚುತ್ತೆ ಅಂತ ಆರ್ಥಿಕ ತಜ್ಞ ಸಿದ್ದರಾಮಯ್ಯನವರ ಅಭಿಮತ!!
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LOLBOOK 21 ಗಂ.
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Danny Zuker 21 ಗಂ.
. You lost popular vote by a historic 3 Million, but at least your Emmy-less Shit Fest won its time slot. NOT! hahahah
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Donald J. Drumpf ಜನ 3
We can't have a fully functioning kleptocracy if the whole isn't invited.
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TheOne Dhawan ಜನ 3
When An Engineer Talks To A Bombshell!! Enjoy The Conversation ;) 🤣
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Celtic Collectibles 3 ಗಂ.
Peter Lawwell thanks GCC for some more State Aid in helping to buy Kouassi Eboue.
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Jen Browning 7 ಗಂ.
news take a catch!
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Donald J. Drumpf 9 ಗಂ.
The national debt is heading to $29 TRILLION. It's a FUCKING DISASTER! Please don't tell ANYONE!
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Krista Whitley 11 ಗಂ.
The gift for...well, you would definitely know who:
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lol-エルオーエル- moca 14 ಗಂ.
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No Time 4 Trump 16 ಗಂ.
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⚡flashcrewhuz⚡ 19 ಗಂ.
Grant this remind me of yours and Candice's friendship on and off screen ☺️
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Donald J. Drumpf 21 ಗಂ.
Can't we all just move on?
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⚡flashcrewhuz⚡ 24 ಗಂ.
tweet to love that you are yourself in the suit and out
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lol-エルオーエル- moca ಜನ 3
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Evie (nee Cromwell) ಜನ 3
Some prankster in the office has only gone and put my name down for office dishwasher duties this week! First day back and all that...
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Justina ಜನ 3
Worked too much it's getting harder to wake up in the morning 😭
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Daily Cosplay ಜನ 3
Today on Daily : Armor of the Fifth Age Taric from League of Legends by , More:
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Alexandra Larson ಜನ 3
When cheated on my beautiful sister with
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Donald J. Drumpf ಜನ 3
My friends in coal country, I may not bring back your jobs, but I'm definitely taking your healthcare!
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