July 10th: Day of Solidarity With Injured Antifa in Sacramento

combatantsOn June 26th, over 500 anti-fascists ran Nazis the fuck out of Sacramento, preventing a rally and show of force at the state capitol by the Traditional Workers Party, the Golden State Skinheads and other assorted fascists (from Blood and Honor and Red Ice Creations).

Nine anti-fascists were seriously injured in the chaos of the day and needed to be hospitalized. According to the fundraising website, all nine have been released from the hospital as of yesterday, July 4th, although their recovery process is not yet finished:

So it has been an exciting couple of days. All Antifa folks are out of the hospital and recovering. Many have a long road to being fully healed. We want to give a shout out to our medics who saved people’s lives on the 26th, without you all at least 2 people would have died.

Many of the folks who were injured spent a significant amount of time in the hospital and many had to undergo surgery. The bills for their treatment at the hospital and continued medical care are going to be very expensive.

A day of solidarity has been called by west coast comrades for July 10th to show support for the injured Antifas, but also to help continue the work they were willing to risk their lives for.

This is a call for a day of solidarity with all those who put their lives and bodies on the line to confront white supremacists in the streets of Sacramento on the 26th. Solidarity means many things, and can articulate itself in many ways. Demos, attacks, letter writings, benefits for medical fee, banner drops and more are welcome on this day. Just make sure to securely take photos or write reportbacks and post them itsgoingdown.org, anarchistnews.org or your local anarchist news source.

It’s Going Down has compiled a list of things you can do to help, as well as posters and images you can distribute in person or on social media:

Donate to the Medical Fund:
If you can, please donate to the bail and medical fund. Anything helps and you can also share the link on social media. Go there at: https://rally.org/June26th

Throw a Benefit:
Several groups are already planning benefit events in several locations. Host an event, discussion, or party to raise funds. ‘Welcome to Leith’ is now on NetFlix if you are looking for an excellent film to show. We also recommend getting in contact with a local anti-fascist speaker or holding a discussion about how these struggles are linked to what is happening in your area.

Drop a Banner or Hold a Rally:
Drop a banner in a public place, take a picture, and send in report to itsgoingdown.org. Hold a rally or demonstration, hand out flyers and talk with people about how what happened in Sacramento was a victory against fascism and white supremacy and why we should support the people that were injured fighting. These acts of solidarity with help build people’s spirits and show that our struggles are connected.

Send a Card of Support:
Want to send a message to anti-fascists who are dealing with injuries? You can send messages of support to:
Sacramento Prisoner Support
PO Box 163126
Sacramento, CA 95816

Take Action Against Fascism In Your Area:
Organize, confront, and combat fascism and white nationalism in your area. Let us build from this mobilization and sweep the fascists off the streets. ¡No pasarán!

Print out and Put Up Solidarity Posters:
Download posters here and place them around where you live, work, or go to school. Take pictures and send them to itsgoingdown.org.

If you are in NYC, come out to the Solidarity Dance Party on Saturday July 9th at the Silent Barn!




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