Updates on National Anarchist infiltrations in the New York area

In a recent interview with a fascist Dutch Magazine NATA‘s commander, Craig Fitzgerald, boasted that despite being rejected by all anarchists in NY for their support of White Nationalism and Holocaust denial, they are “Continuing to collaborate with groups as diverse as We Are Change, Occupy Wall Street, Earth First [see update], the Libertarian Party and others.”

Here’s some of NATA’s most active faces. If his claims are true, hopefully these collaborators will find this post and kick the scum from their ranks.


Donald Pomeroy

Pomeroy at NATA's November "Spiritual Anarchy" event

Pomeroy with Leia von Hessen at NATA’s November “Spiritual Anarchy” event

A former Columbia student and software writer currently living in Connecticut, Pomeroy skirts the scenes of “voluntaryism” (anarcho-capitalism) and Occidentalism (Nationalistic European romanticism). He joined the National-Anarchist fray this November by renting the backroom of a Williamsburg bar under the pretense of a birthday party. In reality, the event was a NATA social with power-point presentations and distribution of  their literature. After the bar found they had been duped, the owner told Pomeroy the money from the rental would be donated to Lower East Side punk community center ABC No Rio, which NATA threatened to protest last year.


**UPDATE:** After discussions with comrades at Earth First! the individual in question has formally quit NATA, so we have removed his information.

Miguel Peralta

Mumia would hate you.

A Jersey City based founding member of NATA, Peralta hosts an internet radio show. In 2011, Peralta, along with Gabriel Brown, Jamie O’Hara, and Danny Panzella, hosted an event for Hitler apologist and holocaust denier David Irving.

While Peralta constantly uses his skin color as a defense for associating with the White Power crowd, APOC kicked him out of their Facebook group.

In our own email discussion with Peralta, he confirmed his commitment to Holocaust denial and other racialist NATA positions.

This Winter, Peralta set up a screening of Long Distance Revolutionary, a film about Mumia Abu-Jamal, despite the film’s distributor asking them not to. NATA was in attendance with a table of their propaganda.


Gabriel Brown

Gabriel Brown. Despite his attire, this is the guy who wrote a piece calling antifascists "clowns."

I thought fascists were supposed to have good style?

NATA’s own Goebbels recently posted photos of their participation in Keystone Pipeline and AIPAC protests. At neither event were NATA banners, flags, or propaganda visible, but it would be good to keep an eye out for him in the future. He shouldn’t be too hard to spot.

Robert Erick

Robert Erick

Yes Erick, the Party’s Over, FOR YOU!

Tompkins Square Park wingnut Robert Erick may be borderline illiterate, but he has a lot of connections in the LES radical community, including with many Occupy folks. Recently Erick has been spouting-off about International Jewish Conspiracy more often. Here’s one example:

Picture 10


After all the grief Occupy has had with accusations of connections to right wing groups, hopefully Erick won’t be “collaborating” with post-OWS groupings for much longer.

Danny Panzella

Picture 6

Former Libertarian state senate candidate, former Vice Chairman of the Staten Island Libertarian Party, We Are Change wingnut, and Tea Party member, Panzella supports NATA financially and has come out to their events. Good luck in the next election, Danny!

Finally, we’ll leave you with this delightful screenshot:

Picture 17

ANTIFA never sleeps

As always, any tips are appreciated. Email FascismWatchNYC @ Gmail.com

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