Neo-Nazi group plans rally at Pennsylvania State Capitol on eve of election

National Socialist Movement
A member of the National Socialist Movement at a 2008 demonstration in front of the U.S. Capitol. (AP file photo)
Wallace McKelvey | By Wallace McKelvey | The Patriot-News
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on September 28, 2016 at 11:39 AM, updated September 28, 2016 at 12:05 PM

A white supremacist group will rally on the steps of the Pennsylvania State Capitol on Nov. 5, within days of the presidential election.

The National Socialist Movement's announcement of a rally in the "heart of Democracy" spurred local social service groups to organize their own event across town in the hope of averting a potentially violent protest.

"One of our goals is to show that equality and nonviolence will be spoken louder than hate that day in Harrisburg," said Ann Van Dyke, who's helping to organize a unity event as white supremacists converge on the Capitol. "The other is to encourage young people to stay away from the rally -- to give them something better to do that day."

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the NSM is "one of the largest and most prominent neo-Nazi groups in the United States." The center reported that the number of hate groups nationwide has increased 14 percent since 2014.

Troy Thompson, a spokesman for the state Department of General Services, confirmed that the NSM obtained a permit for its rally at the Capitol.

"Everyone has the right to free speech and freedom of expression," Thompson said. "While we may not agree with the content of the message, as long as it's delivered in a peaceful manner, every individual has the right to express themselves."

Messages left with the NSM rally's organizers were not returned Wednesday, but in a press release the group said it chose Harrisburg because of its status as "one of the birthplaces of American democracy."

On its website, the NSM emphasized the timing of the rally within days of the presidential election although it does not explicitly endorse either candidate.

"We chose Harrisburg because of its living history," said Jeff Schoep, an NSM leader, in a written statement, "a history so poignant in its remembrance during these turbulent social and political times."

Van Dyke said the counter-demonstration, which will likely be held at a school far from the Capitol, will be apolitical.

Amanda Arbour, racial justice coordinator for YWCA Greater Harrisburg, said the best response to a hate group is to shift focus away from their activities.

"Whenever there's a hate group having a rally, it's not as productive to have a counter-protest at the rally," she said. "It draws more attention to their efforts."

Van Dyke said the counter-event will include music, poetry and other activities designed to attract young people. Its organizers, she said, include Christian Churches United, the Community Responders Network, the Mayor's Interfaith Advisory Council, and the World Affairs Council.

Van Dyke said it's important to keep protesters -- and particularly young people -- away from the white supremacist rally in order to protect them.

"Hate groups say such venomous things in their public rallies that sometimes protestors, particularly young people, lose control and end up breaking the law," she said. "They're usually the ones that end up getting arrested."

Hate groups want protesters -- and the media coverage that follows -- at their events, she said, because it helps spread their message. Furthermore, any failure by local authorities to control the crowd could result in more favorable coverage or lawsuits against the city or state.

"Another goal, which is really important to keep in mind, is that they seek to inflame existing tensions in that town between the community and police," she said. "For so, so many reasons, we need to have an alternative unity event."

The organizers are still finalizing the location of the alternate event, which will run concurrently with the rally at 2 p.m. on Nov. 5. Those interested in assisting the counter-event can call the YWCA at 717-234-7931.