Tag Archives: Margot Metroland

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The Metapolitics of Swift & Trump

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Future historians will be endlessly fascinated by the intertwined media phenomena of Taylor Swift and Donald Trump during 2015-2016. The parallels and symbiosis of the two have been noted by many, particularly in the precincts of Twitter and the Alt Right, although no one’s ever studied the thing in depth.

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Henry Williamson, George Orwell, & the Pigs

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Henry Williamson

Henry Williamson

Today is the birthday of Henry Williamson (Dec. 1, 1895 – Aug. 13, 1977)—ruralist author, war historian, journalist, farmer, and visionary of British fascism.

Two rather incongruous points of Williamson’s life stand out. One is that he achieved fame with what is usually regarded as a children’s book, Tarka the Otter (originally published 1927, with a movie version in 1979).

The other is that he was a friend of Lawrence of Arabia; and that it was on his way back from posting a letter to Williamson that T. E. Lawrence was mysteriously killed in a motorcycle accident. Read more …

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“Hiding the Ball” of White Nationalist History

John Singleton Copley, Portrait of Paul Revere, 1768

John Singleton Copley, Portrait of Paul Revere, 1768

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For the past few days the mainstream media have been deluging us with one of their favorite clichés about Euro-American nationalism. They keep telling us that the Alt Right or New Right are just old-fashioned “racism” relabeled as a public-relations move. According to The New Republic, National Review, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, this rightist movement is nothing more than old-style “white supremacy” and Klanster cross-burnings, now dressed up in Jos. A. Bank suits at posh intellectual conferences.  Read more …

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New Wine in New Skins:
The 2016 NPI Conference, Alt Right, & the Newsmedia’s Struggle to Misunderstand

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At the National Policy Institute’s conference on Saturday (officially titled Become Who We Are / 2016) I met a tweedy, middle-aged journalist I’ll call Charles. Charles was making notes for a political-analysis piece for a certain Newspaper of Record, and struggling to find an insightful angle about the Alt Right.

At the moment his working premise was that this Alt Right thing is essentially a revamping of old-fashioned “white supremacy” from decades past. But he wasn’t really happy with that idea. Read more …

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The NPI Presser
“What is The Alt Right?”

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If you follow NPI events, there was more than a little déjà vu in the National Policy Institute’s press conference in DC on Friday, September 9th. Titled “What Is the Alt Right?,” and framed as a reply to Hillary Clinton’s disordered denunciations of Donald Trump and his nationalist supporters, it was a very sedate, familiar affair.  Read more …

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We are All White Trash Now

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Poor White Trash! Hillbillies! Rural poverty! It cannot have escaped your notice that we’re having a rash of stuff on this topic right now. Books, columns, thumb-sucking op-eds, talking-head concern-trolls nattering away on PBS NewsHour and Sunday morning chat-fests.

So far as I can tell, the genre first reared its head back in March of this year with a long-winded, digressive piece by Kevin Williamson in National Review Read more …

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Wilmot Robertson & the Oppressed Majority

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Today is the 11th anniversary of the death of Wilmot Robertson (April 16, 1915–July 8, 2005), author of The Dispossessed Majority (originally published 1972; several revisions over the next two decades) and publisher/editor of Instauration magazine, a print-only monthly that flourished from 1975 to 2000. For many people now middle-aged or beyond, these were their first, or most eye-opening, introduction to intellectual racialism.

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Remembering Revilo Oliver (July 7, 1908–August 20, 1994)
The Professor & the Carnival Barker


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Professor Revilo Pendleton Oliver died in 1994, full of years and honors, as they say; and also notoriety. Long a Classics professor at the University of Illinois in Urbana, he gained his PhD in 1938 with a translation and commentary on a 1500-year-old Sanskrit drama. At age 80 was capable of holding lengthy telephone conversions with a young fellow linguist, in which (just to show off) they would switch back and forth between German and Attic Greek.

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Lothrop Stoddard in Geopolitics

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June 29 is the birthday of T. (for Theodore) Lothrop Stoddard (1883-1950)—scholar, lecturer, geopolitical and racial theorist, and author of perhaps eighteen books.

For a century now, anyone with an interest in geopolitical and racial matters was bound, sooner or later, to come across Stoddard’s name and work. Although he held three degrees, including a doctorate from Harvard, in his career he was always foremost a journalist and popular lecturer rather than an academic scholar.  Read more …

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Emperor Maximilian & the Dream of a European Mexico

Archduke Maximilian, c. 1855

Archduke Maximilian, c. 1855

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One hundred and forty-nine years ago, on June 19, 1867, Maximilian von Hapsburg—Emperor of Mexico, brother to Austrian Emperor Franz Josef, and descendant of Holy Roman Emperors—was shot by a firing squad of rebels in Querétaro, Mexico. Maximilian stood six-foot-two, had blond hair and blue eyes, and was 34 years of age. He had been Emperor of Mexico for barely two-and-a-half years.

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