December 2, 2016

(VIDEO) Gavin McInnes, Disciples, Attack Dissenter at Neo-Fash Art Show


The Hipster Nazis have an event that was supposed to make them seem relevant. Instead it showed them to be the petty chumps they are.
NEW YORK – A neo-Fascist, pro-Trump art show that featured editor Milo Yiannopoulos, conservative propagandist James O’Keefe and “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli brought out dozens of participants, and despite the public outrage and opposition to the show, the only physical incident took place when Vice Magazine co-founder and neo-Fascist Gavin McInnes, along with other participants, ejected a person from the event and attempted to destroy the person’s cell phone to cheers from the others.

The event at Gallery 151 on W. 18th Street was titled “Daddy Will Save Us” and was organized by Lucian Wintrich, a gay conservative who was fired from a New York marketing firm after his association with the so-called “alt-right” was revealed during a “Gays for Trump” event during the Republican National Convention where his photoseries “Twinks for Trump” was exhibited. The event featured art contributions by persons known more for their conservative activism and infamy, such as O’Keefe, Shkreli and Washington, DC-area Marcus Epstein, who is appearing in public again after years of silence following the revelation that he was arrested for attacking a Black woman in Washington, calling her the N-Word in 2007, an arrest that he pled guilty to in exchange for enrolling in a program that eventually cleared his criminal record.

At one point one person began shouting and was forcibly removed from the venue by Gavin McInnes and members of the self-styled “chauvinist” fraternal organization he founded called the “Proud Boys”, each of them wearing black and yellow Fred Perry shirts. When the person returned to retrieve the phone that dropped from his pocket, McInnes, who was handed the phone and the person’s hat by  another attendee, slammed the phone onto the pavement and kicked it to him, before joining the “Proud Boys” in chanting “USA! USA! USA!” at him. It is not known at press time why he was ejected.

20161008_212352The event was supposed to be held at a space called the Boiler in Brooklyn, which is owned by the nearby Pierogi art gallery, but the venue closed its doors after learning its nature and may be pursuing legal action against Wintrich. The event was moved to Gallery 151 on short notice, but while Wallplay, the company that runs the space allowed it to continue, they posted flyers around the space indicating that all rental fees from that evening will be donated to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Despite numerous times appearing on Fox News as a guest, as well as noted in one bio indicating that he has provided video content for Fox Digital, Fox News informed Idavox that Gavin McInnes if not associated in any way with Fox News and they were not aware of the last time he appeared on the network.





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