Antifa International
To mark The International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners, we’re putting these limited-edition t-shirts up for sale! Unisex & women’s styles in a variety of colours with a graphic designed by a former antifa prisoner. All proceeds will...
This photo with 54 notes was posted 6 months ago on the 25th of July, 2016.
Tags: #antifa #antifascist #antifascism #antiracist #antiracism #j25antifa #solidarity is our weapon #fighting hate is not a crime #anti-fascism is self-defence

To mark The International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners, we’re putting these limited-edition t-shirts up for sale!  Unisex & women’s styles in a variety of colours with a graphic designed by a former antifa prisoner.  All proceeds will be donated to antifa prisoners - see our full list here.

Limited time only, so get yours while you can!

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