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Video Blog by David W. Daniels

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Who is David Daniels?

David Daniels, B.A., M.Div., is trained in Bible and linguistics. After twenty years of searching the Hebrew and Greek scriptures and studying the history of the Bible, he concluded that the King James Bible is God's preserved words in English.

What does he stand for?

Once he understood that the King James Bible is the words of God in English, David Daniels became a careful literalist who believes his Bible without reservation.

He came to realize that just because he may not have the answer to a particular Bible question, does not mean that there is no answer. That's why he never stops searching and checking his sources. He is finding that the answers to the "problems" people like to bring up about the Bible are usually found right in the context of the scripture. That's why we have to have a translation that is as literal as possible, to make sure we haven't missed anything that God actually said. That's why we trust the King James Bible.

Is the KJV Wrong About Hell?

On October 24th, 2015, Dr. Robert Morey accused the King James Bible of mistranslating Hades and Sheol as "the grave" and said we should NOT use a KJV to win a person from a cult, recommending instead the NAS, ESV or ISV. Is he right?

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Newest Vlogs

You Don't Know Jack - Part 12
Release Date: 1/14/2017

You Don't Know Jack - Part 11
Release Date: 1/7/2017

What Happened to Sinaiticus?
Release Date: 1/4/2017

What's the Standard?
Release Date: 12/28/2016

You Don't Know Jack - Part 10
Release Date: 12/21/2016

You Don't Know Jack - Part 9
Release Date: 12/13/2016

You Don't Know Jack

You Don't Know Jack - Part 12

You Don't Know Jack - Part 11

You Don't Know Jack - Part 10

You Don't Know Jack - Part 9

You Don't Know Jack - Part 8

You Don't Know Jack - Part 7

You Don't Know Jack - Part 6

You Don't Know Jack - Part 5

You Don't Know Jack - Part 4

You Don't Know Jack - Part 3

You Don't Know Jack - Part 2

You Don't Know Jack - Part 1

New King James - What's Wrong with It?

Is the NKJV just as good as the KJV ?

Why Did They Make the New King James?

New King James - The Hidden Message

NKJV the Marijuana of Bibles

Is This a NEW New King James? (transcript)

Faith or Footnotes? (transcript)

The 'Almost the Same' Game

How to Spot a Counterfeit

Most Changed New Testament Book

The Devil Loves Bibles

What Are Publishers Hiding?

New King James - from faith to doubt

Little Bitty Smidgen-a Parable

Is Your Professor Wise?

How Do You Add To God's Words?

Trusting the King James Bible

What's the Standard?

Which Bible Are YOU Looking For?

Why Attack KJVO?

Sons of God or Angels? - Genesis 6

What's Good About King James Only?

Did They Know God Used Them?

Can You Wait Too Long?

My Bible Version Conspiracy Theory - Part 2

My Bible Version Conspiracy Theory - Part 1

When Should I Tell Them I'm Saved?

Who's the Whacko?

Is the KJV Wrong About Hell?

Who'll Rule? - End Time 4

An Easy Way to Teach About Bibles

What Is Abomination to You?

End Time 3: Earth Remade!

What Will Jesus Do? (End Time #2)

A Few Tiny Changes

End Time View: Changed! Part 1

Disagreeing Agreeably

Nephilim & Sons of God: Who Are They?

You Are Not Alone

Prophecy and Women's Clothing

Learning about Scripture —from Satan?

I Believe the KJV... What About Them? (transcript)

What About the Eight Percenters?

It's Okay, I Understand

When Was Genesis Written?

Same Sex Marriage and the KJV

Does Your Bible Help Muslims?

Is the Bible a Myth?

A Feel for My Zeal

Where Does It Say That?

Mind Blown: We've Had It All Backwards!

Does Your Church Trust a Bible that Doesn't Exist?

Did the King James Add Words?

Faith or Footnotes? (transcript)

Why I Cried for 24 Hours

How To Get Great Faith

You Can Be Just Like the 90% -or-

Who Are the Real Church Fathers? (transcript)

What's Hiding Behind the Numbers?

The Worst That Can Happen...

Could You Fix The KJV?

What Are Publishers Hiding?

Is He Teaching The Bible?

Why Did Apostle Paul Need Prayer?

Who Are the Real Know-It-Alls?

Why God Preserved His Words

Is The King James Too Hard?

If Which Bible Doesn't Matter

They're Not Even Sure WHAT They Believe!

Will You Take The Pledge?

Just One More Question...

Getting Bible Facts Straight

Does God Inspire Translations?

Are Publishers Afraid of the KJV?

That's Why God Gave Us ONE Bible

We Have An Oversupply

Always Ask Questions

Is Your Professor Wise?

Living To Please The Father

The Classic Chance to Update the Bible

Mule Chokin' KJV Bible

How Many Words Do You Know?

Study Bibles - Navigating the Mine Field

Don't Get A Big Head

Whose Words Are They, Anyway?

Changes in Modern Bibles

Which Bible Are YOU Looking For?

Why Attack KJVO?

Deleted on Purpose? Sinaiticus Part 4

Which Part Is Scripture? Sinaiticus Part 3

Is the KJV Wrong About Hell?

A Few Tiny Changes

Nephilim & Sons of God: Who Are They?

Who or What Is Baphomet?

Prophecy and Women's Clothing

Does Your Bible Help Muslims?

Is Jesus Creator or "Middle Man"? (Bible listing)

What's Wrong with the Queen James?

This Is NOT a Conspiracy Theory

The Clearest Verse in the Bible

Is There An Anti Christ Bible?

It's Like Daring God

Is Allah the God of the Bible?

Why Your Kids May Reject Jesus

Are You A Carrier?

Are You Spiritual?

How to Spot a Counterfeit

Do You Show Christian Charity

Do Your Motives Matter?

Can One Verse Change a Doctrine?

Just Don't Call It A Bible

Which Jesus Do You Trust?

Who Do You Believe -and Why?

THAT Wouldn't Hurt Your Faith WOULD IT?

Little Bitty Smidgen-a Parable

How Do You Add To God's Words?

Who Is Your Priest?

Bible vs Professor

Where Did the Majority Go?

Which Bible Are YOU Looking For?

Did They Know God Used Them?

Where Is Your Loyalty?

My Bible Version Conspiracy Theory - Part 2

My Bible Version Conspiracy Theory - Part 1

What's Wrong with Tobit? Apocrypha Part 2

What's in YOUR Bible? Apocrypha Part 1

Intro to "Was There a BC Septuagint?"

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 5 of 5

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 4 of 5

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 3 of 5

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 2 of 5

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 1 of 5

3 Big Mistakes of Text Critics. Sinaiticus Part 16

How Did That Get There? Sinaiticus Part 14

I Trusted Them! Sinaiticus Part 13

Prove it. Sinaiticus Part 12

Sinaiticus & the Zombie Apocalypse Sinaiticus Part 9

What Did Constantine Want? Part 8

How Old Is It Really? Sinaiticus Part 7

Uniquely Bad: Sinaiticus Part 6

Deleted on Purpose? Sinaiticus Part 4

A Few Tiny Changes

When Was Genesis Written?

Where Does It Say That?

Surprise! Even Maps Are Biased

Would You Trust a Bible from This Man? (transcript)

What's Hiding Behind the Numbers?

The Christian's Golden Plates?

What Being Critical Does to You

Do Your Motives Matter?

God's Words--Only Settled in Heaven?

They're Not Even Sure WHAT They Believe!

Who Do You Believe -and Why?

Nobody Likes A Bible Bully

What's So Bad about Being Good?

Can We Afford to Waste?

THAT Wouldn't Hurt Your Faith WOULD IT?

Always Ask Questions

Is Your Professor Wise?


Is It the End?

Are You Distracted?

When Should I Tell Them I'm Saved?

Do Muslims Matter?

Coffee Cup Gospel?

A Little Ghost Story

What About the Children?

You Are Not Alone

Why Mormons Love —and Hate— the KJV

David hosts Jesus & Tim in Las Vegas

Does Your Bible Help Muslims?

Nobody Gets Saved with Chick Tracts?

Give It To Them Anyway

Why Should Satan Win?

The Worst That Can Happen...

What If He Didn't?

The Barney Effect

None Dared Admit It Was Theirs

You Only Have One

Two Failures and One Success

Soul Winning Made Easy

Bible Totin' Fanatic

The Ones I Let Get Away

How Not To Waste A Phone Call

How to Witness with Chick Tracts

Comments on Commentaries

New King James - The Hidden Message

It's Like Daring God

Why I Got A Ryrie NAS

The 'Almost the Same' Game

If Which Bible Doesn't Matter

Will You Take The Pledge?

Jehovah's Witnesses

Why JWs Hate the KJV

Sharing Faith with a JW

Most Changed New Testament Book

Secrets of Study Bibles

Where Does It Say That?

Surprise! Even Maps Are Biased

Why I Got A Ryrie NAS

The 'Almost the Same' Game

Could You Fix The KJV?

Secrets of Bible Introductions

Study Bibles - Navigating the Mine Field

Facts about Footnotes

New King James - The Hidden Message

NKJV the Marijuana of Bibles

Faith or Footnotes?

Are You A Carrier?

Why I Got A Ryrie NAS

Most Changed New Testament Book

What Are Publishers Hiding?

New King James - from faith to doubt

Who Do You Believe -and Why?

If You Were on a Desert Island

God vs. the Devil

Learning about Scripture —from Satan?

If You were the Devil, what would you do?

What The Devil Wants

Are You A Carrier?

The Devil Loves Bibles

God's Not a Literalist, Is He?

Some Basic Questions about Bibles

What's So Bad about Being Good?


Song: How Firm a Translation

A Note to My Father

Jesus Loves Me I Suppose

Smell The Coffee

In His Arms

In Your Life

Mr. Jones


Some Bibles create FAITH - others DOUBT

3 Missing Words That Made Jesus a Sinner

Did Jesus Lie?

This Bible's no good. I want my money back!

They Took Out Jesus' Words!

Is Hell Missing from Your Bible?

Why do modern Bibles disagree if they use the same Greek?

For Pastors Only (but you can listen in)

Kathleen Carnali on Top3 JCTV

Why does the KJV use words like "Saith", "Doeth", "Thee" and "Thou"?

A missing brush stroke removes the deity of Christ!

Are Jack Chick's Tracts "Hate Literature"?

Does Your Bible Have a Fairytale Marker?

NIV Bibles

NIV: Catholic-Approved? (transcript)

What About the Eight Percenters?

Look How They Changed the NIV!

New NIV-Jesus Became God?

If You Were on a Desert Island

Why They Hate the KJV

Where Did the Majority Go?

Why Mormons Love —and Hate— the KJV

Why the NWO Hates the KJV

This Is NOT a Conspiracy Theory

Your Answers for KJV Critics

Is the NKJV just as good as the KJV ?

If You were the Devil, what would you do?

Are King James Bible believers church splitters?

Is "King James Only" a non-scholarly position?

Was King James a homosexual?

Was King James a homosexual? Part 2

Where was the Bible before 1611?

I got saved reading the NIV. How can you say it's no good?

Is it true no doctrines are changed in modern versions?

How some preachers trick you when defining Greek words!

The Geneva Bible - What's wrong with it?

Why should God's word be restricted to English?

Should we dump the KJV because of "archaic language?"

Are you crazy for being KJV only?

What's wrong with the New King James?

How Bible Colleges kill your faith in the Bible

Must scholars tell you what God really means?

Did Westcott and Hort do what they were hired to do?

Did Jesus lie to His own brothers?

Roman Catholicism

Proof Rome Is Mystery Babylon

Mind Blown: We've Had It All Backwards!

End Times

Is It the End?

Who'll Rule? - End Time 4

End Time 3: Earth Remade!

What Will Jesus Do? (End Time #2)

End Time View: Changed! Part 1

Something Funny About Sinaiticus

What Happened to Sinaiticus?

The Sinaiticus Smoking Gun?

My Bible Version Conspiracy Theory - Part 2

My Bible Version Conspiracy Theory - Part 1

The Big Picture: Part 1 - The Evidence

What's Wrong with Tobit? Apocrypha Part 2

What's in YOUR Bible? Apocrypha Part 1

Intro to "Was There a BC Septuagint?"

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 5 of 5

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 4 of 5

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 3 of 5

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 2 of 5

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 1 of 5

3 Big Mistakes of Text Critics. Sinaiticus Part 16

Origen-al Sin. Sinaiticus Part 15

How Did That Get There? Sinaiticus Part 14

I Trusted Them! Sinaiticus Part 13

Prove it. Sinaiticus Part 12

No Doctrine Affected? Sinaiticus Part 11

It's a Job Sinaiticus Part 10

Sinaiticus & the Zombie Apocalypse Sinaiticus Part 9

What Did Constantine Want? Part 8

How Old Is It Really? Sinaiticus Part 7

Uniquely Bad: Sinaiticus Part 6

Is That Your Best Job? Sinaiticus Part 5

Deleted on Purpose? Sinaiticus Part 4

Is the Sinaiticus Origin a Lie?

Which Part Is Scripture? Sinaiticus Part 3

Was There a BC Septuagint

Intro to "Was There a BC Septuagint?"

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 5 of 5

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 4 of 5

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 3 of 5

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 2 of 5

Was There a BC Septuagint? Part 1 of 5

Apocrypha in Your Bible?

Sons of God or Angels? - Genesis 6

What has he written?

Can You Trust Just One Bible?

Answers to the Most Common Anti-KJV Accusations
Why They Changed the Bible

See who is behind the gradual changing of modern Bibles. There's no guessing about what these people believe. They will tell you, in their own words!

Look What's Missing

Publishers are removing things from new Bibles. How about your Bible? Is it on the list of Bibles with pieces taken out? You might be surprised when you look at what's missing.

Did the Catholic Church Give Us the Bible?

Here is the history of TWO Bibles: the modified one promoted by the Catholic Church, and the real one that the early saints preserved with their blood.

Answers to Your Bible Version Questions

Author David W. Daniels answers questions posted by our readers about how we can be certain that the King James Bible is really God's preserved words in English.

King James Bible Companion

Easy definitions of seldom-used words in the KJV. Preview it online. You'll want copies for your whole church!

Babylon Religion

Learn how a Babylonian goddess became the Virgin Mary.

Should a Christian be a Mason?

Is Masonry Biblical? Who will you trust to find out?

Hot Topics

Tackling 6 of the hottest issues of our time.

Did Rome Give Us the Spanish Bible? The intertwined history of the preservation of the Spanish and English Bibles.

Also on DVD

Is Your Bible Missing Something? Volume 2

Is Your Bible Missing Something? Volume 2
This DVD contains 57 videos by David W. Daniels on 9 different Bible topics.

Is Your Bible Missing Something? Volume 1 Is Your Bible Missing Something? Volume 1
A convenient compilation of 8 of David's most popular video shorts.

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