

Twenty years later, Trainspotting explains much about the world

It is fitting that the sequel to the film Trainspotting, which revisits the characters 20 years later, has its world premiere just days after Donald Trump is sworn in as US president this month. For the original film, and Irvine Welsh's 1993 novel on which it is based, is like a snapshot of the social, cultural and economic forces that made Trump possible, just as they gave rise to Brexit.

I was working as an usher at a cinema in 1996, and remember Trainspotting well. Partly this is because I saw the film, or at least snatches of it, a hundred times. But I also remember the film because I was vomited on – not once but twice – during the months it played at the cinema. People were always walking out of Trainspotting, either affronted or queasy or both, and on two separate occasions I opened the door, like a good usher, only to be hit by the flying spew of someone who'd misjudged the timing of their exit.

Being vomited on while doing a low-paid casual job struck me at the time as a very Trainspotting thing to have happen to you. But it wasn't the only reason I related to the film, even though I'd never taken heroin (or in fact anything stronger than marijuana) in my life. Trainspotting is a film about drugs, but more than that it is a film about feeling lost, about going nowhere and about the narrowing of opportunity.

I couldn't help but relate to this in mid-'90s Australia, even if I was tertiary educated (like most of my fellow ushers) and middle class, and my immediate concern was not how to score heroin, but how to get vomit out of an usher's standard issue velour waistcoat.

Trainspotting is set in Leith, Edinburgh ("a place ay dispossessed white trash in a country fill ay dispossessed white trash") in the late-'80s, at the tail-end of Margaret Thatcher's reign. And it is life under Thatcherism, as much as heroin addiction, that is at the core of the book and film. Welsh has even said that Thatcher "was the invisible author of the book", because "she created the conditions" that made the characters' lives what they were.

The conditions she created were the conditions of life under neoliberalism. Tax cuts for the wealthy. Privatised public services. A disappearing social safety net. Rising inequality. Crumbling worker solidarity (with unions crushed for being inimical to the market). No society, just individuals pursuing self-interest. Competition as the defining characteristic of human relations. A hierarchy of winners and losers. And the promise, ever delayed, of wealth trickling down.


Certainly no wealth is trickling down to the characters in Trainspotting. Indeed, in a small satirical quirk in the novel, one of the few characters with a job, and therefore money, works at the dole office.

The main character is Mark Renton (played by Ewan McGregor), whose battle is to "choose life" over self-destruction. He's aware, though, that to choose life under late capitalism is essentially to choose consumerism – it is the only choice there is, and even that choice is placed largely out of reach by socio-economic factors beyond his control. Renton wants to reject consumer culture, but in truth consumer culture has already rejected him and most of those around him.

"Choose a f-----g big television. Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin can openers," says Renton in his famous monologue. "Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of f-----g fabrics."

In an interview with Dazed & Confused magazine last year, about a month before Trump won the presidency, Welsh said Trainspotting still resonated because it wasn't a book about drugs, it was a book about people being pushed out of work and losing meaning and hope. "These characters are all from the industrial working-class, being made redundant, being made socially irrelevant in Britain," he said. "Twenty, 30 years later it's happening to the middle classes. We're rationing out the dregs of capitalism to people."

There are a range of reasons for Trump and Brexit. But nothing explains them better than people tiring of being dealt the dregs of capitalism.

The characters we see in Trainspotting are the losers under neoliberalism, a political system that creates and compounds a culture of haves and have-nots. But with hindsight it is easy to see these characters – Renton, Spud, Sick Boy and Begbie – as just the early losers of a system that would create so many losers that eventually people would choose anything but more of the same.

They would choose Brexit. Choose nationalism. Choose Bernie Sanders. Choose Pauline Hanson. Choose a reality TV star as president. Choose Donald Trump.

Simon Castles is a desk editor at The Age.