Daily Life


Give your resolutions a time frame

As the New Year revolves into place, many are dealing with the problem of making a resolution that they never really thought about. It's the most popular, and also the most commonly broken resolution: to lose weight and get in shape or get fit. Those terms are so vague, they're meaningless.

You may want to lose weight and you may want to put on some muscle, but by the third week, your motivation is gone. So here's a tip: don't approach a promise to yourself by leaving it hanging in thin air - because the intensity of the promise will evaporate. Instead, roll your vow into a specific time frame. For example, "I will eat less and work out three times a week until the end of January." It may then be easier to extend that time frame out until the end of February or March.

If you start by making a beginning and an end time to your promise, you'll find it much easier to keep your motivation hot and burning. For example: "I will keep this resolution until the end of March." Now you've removed the pressure. You only have to do it for a few months. Make a time frame that seems easy to you (it can be as little as three weeks). If you can see the end point, it will do a lot to remove temptation.

You don't need to wait for a new year to make time-frame resolutions. Choose the next four weeks or the next month, and vow to cook for yourself during that time as much as possible. Don't go to a sandwich shop just because it's easy and seems healthier than a burger joint.

Occasionally, you will have an urgent temptation. You MUST have cheese fries, or a greasy burger. If you can't resist the craving, or if you find your peace of mind disturbed by a food item you really don't want but can't stop thinking about, never let yourself get to the point where you feel deprived. That will destroy whatever progress you may have already made. The feeling of being deprived has destroyed many diet resolutions.

There's also a factor that works in your favour when changing your eating habits. It takes one to two weeks for your eye and your appetite to adjust to what looks like a less full plate. If you can make it past the adjustment period, you'll feel full despite eating less food.

At the same time, it will take genuine effort for your body to get back into action after a period of being sedentary. And before stating it as 'wanting to get fit,' define it further. Fit for what? What is the goal? Do you want to run a mile without gasping for air at the end? Do you want to double your speed on the treadmill? A thoroughly defined goal will make the achieving of it much easier.

Remember, don't jump back into physical training. Start very slowly, with lighter weights. Give your tendons time to get accustomed to the forces of starting to work out again, and you won't suffer as much from joint stress.

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