1. 2017: Europe’s Year of Rage

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    02/01/2017 by Don Quijones

    After the tumult of 2016, Europe could do with a year of calm. It won’t get one.

  2. German Ifo Think Tank Chief Says Italy Risks Quitting Eurozone


    02/01/2017 by Don Quijones

    “The standard of living in Italy is at the same level as in 2000. If that does not change, the Italians will at some stage say: ‘We don’t want this eurozone anymore.’”

  3. The Global War on Cash – India’s Demonetization Debacle


    01/01/2017 by Don Quijones

    No one denies that India has a serious corruption problem. But most experts agree that demonetization– especially as implemented since November 8— is not an effective way of addressing this problem.

  4. Mark Blyth on Why the Financial Elite Just Can’t Get Enough of Austerity (For Others)


    31/12/2016 by Don Quijones

    In the following episode of RT’s On Contact, Chris Hedges sits down with Mark Blyth, one of select few economists to …
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  5. Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Wide Web)


    31/12/2016 by Don Quijones

    By Danny O’Brien and cross-posted from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) It’s been twenty years since John Perry Barlow declared cyberspace …
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  6. Who Exactly Benefits from Italy’s Ballooning Bank Bailout?


    31/12/2016 by Don Quijones

    All these events conform to a tired, old script.

  7. Did Big Media Run Fake Headlines on the Deutsche Bank “Settlement” ?


    30/12/2016 by Don Quijones

    In the ultimate irony, big media is taking the word of a bank that faces fines billions of dollars of fines for engaging in serial deceptions.