
Latest Business News

The party continues: investors pushed the ASX to its highest in 19 months.

ASX surges to 19-month high

Investors have started the new year in the ebullient mood they ended the last one in, driving the local sharemarket to its highest close since June 2015.

AMES Australasia will take over the Hills garden and laundry range, which includes the iconic Hills Hoist.

Hills unpegs its iconic Hills Hoist

Australian company Hills has sold the right to make and sell Hills Hoist clotheslines after concluding it could not make money from the iconic product.

Justice Edelman has upheld an appeal by CBA saying the bank did not act unconscionably.

CBA wins case over 'unfair' development

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia has won a victory in court overturning an earlier decision that it had acted unfairly towards its customers over a property development collapse during the GFC.

Peter Hall's resignation is a shock to his supporters.

Hunter Hall shares plunge as Peter Hall exits

Facing the loss of Peter Hall as the chief investment officer of the group, shareholders in Hunter Hall International have rushed for the exits, driving shares down by a quarter in heavy trading on Tuesday.

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