Would you Spend Extra USD 500 to Make your House Warmer?

Turkmenistan has always been rich in its energy resources. The untapped potential allowed making the price for water, gas and electricity close to free. The income received from the export of the energy resources also allowed creating a system of distribution of energy to every household throughout the country,...

UNDP/GEF Launch New Project on Climate Change and Economic Activity

Avaza, 22-23 December 2016: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)  and the State Committee for Nature Protection of Turkmenistan launched a new project “Support to the economic climate resilient livelihoods in agricultural communities in arid regions of Turkmenistan” to be funded by Global Environment...

Promoting Innovation and New Technology: UNDP Holds Series of Trainings on Water-Saving for Adaptation to Climate Change

Ashgabat, 27 December 2016: The United Nations Development Programme and the Adaptation Fund held a series of trainings on the topic “Development of water-saving technologies for adaptation to climate change”. The trainings were held for more than 50 representatives of the national agencies, university...

New UN House Opened in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Ashgabat, 26 November 2016: H.E Mr Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov President of Turkmenistan and H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations took part in the opening ceremony of the new UN House in Ashgabat. The opening ceremony started with a flag-raising ceremony, performed by two UN guards and...

Turkmenistan’s Central TB Lab Scores Excellent in Quality Assessment

Ashgabat, 19 December 2016: The Centralized Laboratory for Infectious Diseases of Turkmenistan has passed quality certification for external quality assessment by the Supra-national Reference Laboratory in Germany. The cooperation between the Centralized Laboratory and the Supranational Reference Laboratory -...

More than 50 Representatives of Government and Civil Society of Turkmenistan Meet First Time to Discuss Cooperation Prospects

UNDP launches the grounds for cooperation Ashgabat, 6-7 December 2016: The United Nations Development Programme jointly with the National Institute of Democracy and Human Rights under the President of Turkmenistan held two-day Round-table "Role of public associations for sustainable development". The purpose...

Interview with Nico Schrijver on Turkmenistan reporting on International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Nico Schrijver, Chair of Public International Law, Leiden Law School and Campus The Hague, Academic Director of Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies   Author of the two books “Evolution of the concept of sustainable development in international law” and “Development Without Destruction”, Pr. Schrijver...

How Building Codes help save energy?

Ashgabat, 30 November 2016: The United Nations Development Programme and the Global Environment Fund promote introduction of the energy efficiency in the residential buildings sector of Turkmenistan. UNDP/GF project “Improving Energy Efficiency in the Residential Building Sector of Turkmenistan” held a workshop...

On the Day of Persons with Disabilities 3 December 2016

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) supports and promotes the rights of the persons with disabilities striving to create inclusive societies with equal economic opportunities and accessible infrastructure. For the past 10 years, UNDP in Turkmenistan with its national and international partners have...

UNDP Promotes Civil Society in Turkmenistan

NGO Management Training Ashgabat, 18-21 October 2016: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) held a four-day workshop on enhancing skills on project development and management the representatives of the public organizations of Turkmenistan.  The training is held under the work plan signed between the...

How to Make Cities Safe and Sustainable?

Mark Chao, UNDP International Expert on Energy, Environment and Climate Change UNDP: Why was the topic of sustainable cities included into the list of the Sustainable Development Goals?  What’s its relevance? Mr. Chao:  In 2008, for the first time, the number of the urban population in the world has exceed the...

Wish to Come True: Full Integration of Hearing Impaired Students in Turkmenistan

In September 2016, Turkmenistan introduced a ground-breaking new measure to enable hearing impaired students to share classes with those who aren’t. The new curriculum kicked in at the Textiles College located in Ashgabat, supported by UNDP, the Ministry of Textiles and UNDP national partner the Blind and Deaf...

Raising Awareness : How much do you know about TB?

Svetlana Tomasova, UNDP Laboratory Specialist UNDP: Tuberculosis (TB) is something to be afraid of. Tell us, why is this disease so dangerous for a person? What are the consequences of TB? Ms Tomasova: Tuberculosis is known to people since ancient times. This disease was widespread throughout the world and was...

Turkmen energy experts visit Belarus to learn how they include energy efficiency measures in residential buildings

Ashgabat, 3 July 2016: A group of energy experts from Turkmenistan visited Belarus on June 25 – July 2 to learn their practices and experience in how they include energy efficiency measures in the construction of residential houses. The visit was organized as part of the UNDP Turkmenistan project "Improving...