

The truth behind the official jobless figures

Does working one hour a week sound like a good job to you?

For the lazy among us, it amay sound like the DREAM job. But there is, unfortunately, the not insignificant matter of money to consider.

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A win for Aussie workers

The Turnbull government has changed 457 visa conditions, aiming to improve the job prospects of unemployed Australians. Courtesy ABC, Sky.

The one-hour rule is, of course, the yardstick used by the Bureau of Statistics to classify someone as "employed".

But if you think working one hour a week is a pretty crappy job, well, the bureau agrees with you.

In a special addendum to last week's monthly jobs report, the bureau penned what will be the first in a series of articles exploring the phenomenon of "underemployment". A person is classified as underemployed if they have a job but would like – and are available to work – more hours. They might be part-time workers, or full-time workers working fewer hours than usual.

As the bureau notes, while Australia's unemployment rate has been falling in recent years, the ranks of the underemployed have been swelling – to record levels.


"This rise in the underemployment rate has led to a growing sentiment that the level of slack in Australia's labour market is not wholly represented by the unemployment rate, and that it is increasingly important to consider additional measures of labour underutilisation like the underemployment rate."

It's not that the unemployment rate is rigged, or a lie. It's just that there are important aspects of working life in Australia that the headline unemployment rate has never fully captured.

When most workers held full-time, steady jobs, these aspects seemed less important. But in an increasingly casual and part-time workforce, these alternative measures of underemployment are more meaningful than ever.

As it turns out, the bureau has been collecting statistics on underemployed workers since the 1980s.

Then, the proportion of workers defined as underemployed was smaller than the proportion of the labour force defined as unemployed.

During the early 1990s recession, the trend rate of unemployment hit 11 per cent but the underemployment rate rose to just 7 per cent.

Unemployment fell steadily during the rest of the 1990s and early 2000s, but the underemployment rate remained stubbornly high.

In 2003, the two measures flipped place, with the underemployment rate exceeding the unemployed rate.

In the past two years, they've drifted even further apart. While the jobless rate has trended lower to 5.6 per cent, the trend rate of underemployment has stuck at 8.5 per cent.

So, who are these underemployed people?

Well, 56.9 per cent are women. The female underemployment rate stands at 10.4 per cent, compared with 6.8 per cent for men.

Perhaps this is no surprise, given two-thirds of female workers are employed part-time, compared with one-third of male workers.

By age group, young people aged 15-24 consistently suffer the highest levels of underemployment – up sharply recently from 11 per cent in May 2008 to 17.4 per cent in November 2016.

In the past year, there has also been a rise in underemployment among workers aged 45 years and over.

Low skilled workers are also more likely to be underemployed. Nearly one in five sales workers are underemployed, followed by labourers (17.9 per cent) and community and personal service workers (17.4 per cent). By contrast, just 2.5 per cent of managers are underemployed.

So, should we worry about underemployment? You bet.

"From an economic perspective, underemployment reflects underutilised productive capacity," the bureau writes. "At an individual and household level, it represents lost opportunities for people to engage more fully in work and derive their desired financial and personal benefits."

For policymakers, the underemployment figures suggest a higher level of spare capacity in the labour market than implied by the headline unemployment rate.

Despite the decline in unemployment, interest rates may need to stay lower for longer before this excess of labour is put back into productive work.