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Volume 19: December 2016
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Last 15 Postings

Unintended Consequences of U.S. Biofuel Subsides (29 December 2016)
Biofuel subsidies are supposed to increase production of so-called "cleaner" fuels and displace the use of higher-carbon-content fossil fuels. But the unintended consequence appears to be an increase in overall fuel consumption and consequent greenhouse gas emissions...

CO2-Enriched Air Offsets Negative Effects of Salinity on Tomatoes (29 December 2016)
In a study conducted to demonstrate the mitigating effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on the negative effects of salinity on high-value tomatoes produced under typical Mediterranean weather conditions, the scientists involved in the endeavor obtained some very positive results...

Study Reveals that Green Environments Lengthen Lives of Women (29 December 2016)
Is merely living in a house surrounded with vibrant green plant life something that can help one to live long and prosper?...

The Positive Impacts of Elevated CO2 on Two Light-Stressed Lettuce Cultivars (28 December 2016)
Even under the stress of high-light intensity, elevated CO2 appears to be providential for the growth and nutritional quality of lettuce...

Two Thousand Years of Solar Forcing of Chinese Temperatures (22 December 2016)
After all is said and done, it would indeed appear that solar forcing is one of the dominant drivers of temperature change on earth...

Climatic Effects of Methane Emissions from Alaska's North Slope (21 December 2016)
Despite of its much greater radiative properties than those of carbon dioxide, the climatic impact of Arctic methane emissions is much reduced compared to that of CO2...

A 33-Year History of the Productivity of Arctic and Boreal Vegetation (20 December 2016)
As the Earth has warmed over the past three decades, so has the vegetative productivity of high northern altitudes...

The Inverse Relationship Between Temperature and Heart Disease Deaths in Alabama (20 December 2016)
We find yet another example where a test of real-world data fail to match the doom and gloom prognostications of climate alarmists and their ever-failing models on this important topic...

Five Decades of Wind-Induced Erosion within Chinese Drylands (15 December 2016)
How did the soils of the drylands suffer in response to the concomitant increase in the atmosphere's CO2 concentration? Could you possibly believe not at all? Or how about actually benefiting? Read on to see the real results...

Late-Holocene Solar Variability and Its Impact on Climate in Korea (14 December 2016)
When the Sun takes a little rest, the Earth cools down right along with it...

Rapid Evolution in Brassica rapa Populations Driven by Drought (13 December 2016)
Is it fast enough to successfully respond to potential changes in major real-world climatic phenomena?...

Potential Effects of Diel-Cycling Hypoxia and pH on Oyster Growth (12 December 2016)
A new study of the subject suggests that prior concerns about the presumed negative consequences of atmospheric CO2 enrichment may not occur in the case of certain juvenile oysters...

The Growth Benefits of Elevated CO2 Overwhelm the Growth Damages of Ozone on Wheat (7 December 2016)
We examine the results of a two-decade-old study that are just as pertinent today as the day they were obtained...

Massive Corals Can Adapt to End-of-Century CO2 Concentrations (6 December 2016)
In fact, they are already doing so in the presence of CO2 seeps in the vicinity of Papua New Guinea...

How Birds Regulate their Body Temperatures as Climates Warm (5 December 2016)
Would you believe they can sweat like a pig? Well they can! (even though pigs can't)...


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Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Interglacial Warmth

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