
Vandals target Footscray burger restaurant, smashing windows leaving 'hipster' taunt

An upmarket burger restaurant in Footscray has had windows smashed and an offensive slogan scrawled on its window.

The 8-Bit burger and shakes restaurant in Droop Street, Footscray, was vandalised over the New Year's Eve weekend.

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Footscray burger restaurant vandalised

Vandals have targeted an upmarket burger restaurant in Footscray, smashing glass and scrawling offensive, anti-hipster slogans on the windows.

On Sunday, co-owner Shayne McCallum said he received an Instagram picture of the store which alerted him to the vandalism.

Mr McCallum told 3AW said there was a "hot rod in front of our store and in the background of the window there was a graffiti slogan with F- off hipster scum".

"I thought it was a bit amusing because if anyone knows me they know I'm not a hipster at all," Mr McCallum said. 

"I thought it is just graffiti, it can come off, it's not a problem at all," he said. 


He thought it was funny until he realised all the window panels on the shop front were smashed as well. All told, 16 window panels were shattered, but not knocked out.

Mr McCallum said it was the fourth time the windows at the burger restaurant had been smashed, with one resulting in a break in and burglary.

He said he would view CCTV footage of the vandalism again later on Monday. 

Staff arrived at the store on Monday to reopen the restaurant which would continue to trade throughout the repairs.