
How to Join

Any person or organisation with an interest in astronomy may apply for membership of the Society. When joining, a full years membership fee and a once-only joining fee must be paid in advance at the same time. Payment is accepted via PayPal. Join now


Please note that Membership kits may take up to six weeks to be delivered as applications are only processed at the end of each month.

Joining Fee: $20.00 ( Juniors exempt)

Full Membership - $75.00 pa

Concessional Membership - $55.00 pa

Overseas - $90.00 pa


Membership of the Astronomical Society of Victoria Inc. is open to all who are interested in Astronomy.

As well as the Monthly Meetings, members can also participate in:

You will receive:

Also available to members are:

Membership Renewal

Renewing members will be advised via Email if they have supplied a valid Email address. Members who have not supplied a valid Email address will receive a paper renewal form.

When renewing your membership, you must ensure all your details are correct and reaffirm your agreement to abide by the rules of the Society.

If you have any membership related queries please contact the Membership Secretary:

Comet Lovejoy by Paul Albers