
People Power Shows the Way in Poland

Poland has restrictive laws regarding abortion. Highly influenced by the Catholic Church abortion is only allowed in cases of rape, incest,…

Who are the Populists?

  In politics there’s always something to be learned from the names you are called by your opponents.   A few…

What’s wrong with conspiracy theories

    Five years ago I wrote an article (reproduced below) about the prevalence of ‘conspiracy theories’ on the fringes of…




Car insurance has shot up. House prices are beyond many…

The North

Eileen Blake (1952 – 2016) Obituary

Eileen Blake (1952 – 2016) Obituary

Eileen Blake (1952 – 2016), a great class fighter and a campaigner for women’s rights, died in Altnagelvin Hospital, Derry on Tuesday 15th November.  From Donegal, Eileen moved…

Belfast Hosts Anti-Sectarian Football Cup

Belfast Hosts Anti-Sectarian Football Cup

Belfast People Before Profit held an Anti-Sectarian Cup in the form of a 5-a-side soccer tournament on Wednesday 24th August. Gerry Carroll MLA organised the event in response…

The Eagle has landed

The Eagle has landed

The Northern Ireland Assembly is no stranger to crises and scandal. They tend to erupt regularly but, like a recurring cycle, go unresolved only to be replaced by…

Defend Our Libraries

Defend Our Libraries

DUP Minister for Communities, Paul Givan, is set to rip the heart from communities across the North with cuts to our vital library service. Gavin Campbell reports. Givan…

Did You Know?

Getting it in Proportion

Numbers in billions are hard to get your head round. Socialist Worker makes some comparisons:  €1.6 billion –…

  • Ireland
  • The North
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  • #Socialism 1.01


Who was Leon Trotsky?

Leon Trotsky’s My Life is a remarkable work. First published in 1930 while Trotsky was living in exile in Constantinople; the book demonstrates how…

Turkey- The People Defeated The Coup

Turkey- The People Defeated The Coup

It was early evening on Friday 15 July that the Turkish military coup began. Planes flew low over Istanbul and Ankara. Soldiers and tanks…


Rent Controls Now!

Rent Controls Now!

The housing and homelessness crisis gets worse by the day.  The Simon Communities have stated that the national…





Left Unity