Support The Order


Hail The Order! If You Quote the 14 Words then consider sending the remaining four imprisoned members money for their canteen! They fought for us, so let us remember them by making life inside as comfortable as possible! Do you… Continue Reading


Remembering Mitford Unity


Inscribed on Unity’s headstone is written “Say not the struggle naught availeth” which means  “Don’t say my struggle meant nothing”


Morrigan Rising #15


M.R. is the worldwide voice of W.A.U. and their supporters. With this publication we hope to spread the voice of European Men & Women across the world. With Unity & Comradeship between the sexes we are unbeatable. We have received… Continue Reading


Our Nine Noble Virtues


Courage: To defend my Sisters and Folk Always, no matter what the odds are! Discipline: To show restraint and self control when around things i know are not good for me or my Folk! Fidelity: To show faithfulness to my… Continue Reading


Rest Well Brother


Eugene Ney Terre’Blanche was born on 31 January 1944 in the dry western Transvaal, and was killed the 3rd April 2010 in Ventersdorp, at his farm, by two of his black workers. Terre’Blanche gave everything for the Boer nation, and… Continue Reading


Issue Number 5 of Skuld is now Available


Skuld is one of W.A.U’s many paperback publications, this magazine is one of a kind; it is dedicated 100% to Aryan Women. The purpose behind Skuld is to honour Aryan Women past and Present. Skuld Issue number 5


Happy Birthday Mein Bruder


Happy 63rd Birthday Robert Jay Mathews! Vengeance is in my heart, death in my hand, Blood and revenge are hammering in my head. Titus Andronicus


Remembering Ian Stuart Donaldson


There is a road and it leads to Valhalla Where only the chosen are allowed There is a boy with a dream of Valhalla A place in the land of the gods But in the heart where the fire burns… Continue Reading


White Lives Matter

Protect our babies

A moment between daddy and daughter, this is in honour of all the beautiful innocent lives taken in abortion mills around the world! White Lives Matter! Innocents This pretty young lady was nobody’s wife, when she went to the doctor… Continue Reading


Remembering Vicki Weaver #RubyRidge

Vicki Weaver

On August 21st 1992, six heavily armed, camouflaged U.S. marshals sneaked onto Mr. Weaver’s property. Three agents threw rocks to get the attention of Mr. Weaver’s dogs. As Mr. Weaver’s 14-year-old son, Sammy, and Kevin Harris, a 25- year-old family… Continue Reading


In Memoriam Samuel Weaver

Samuel Weaver

#‎RubyRidge‬ Today WAU members cleaned up their local graveyard and paid special attention to the graves of baby Anne, Eleanor, Alice, Edward and Philomena as we always do, today we did it in Memory and Honour of Samuel Weaver who… Continue Reading


In Memoriam Bruce Carroll Pierce

BCP Martyr

On this Day August 16th 2015 we remember our Friend and Bruder Bruce Carroll Pierce who joined his Bruders and Friends Robert Jay Mathews and David Eden Lane in their Martyrdom, we will never forget your sacrifice for Our Folk!… Continue Reading


Happy Birthday Kathy Ainsworth

Happy Birthday Kathy

Birthday Wishes, Love and Remembrance to Our Fallen Sister Kathy Ainsworth Today on her 74th birthday Kathy should be enjoying a house full of children and grandchildren xo We Will Never Forget! July 31st 1941 – June 30th 1968. The… Continue Reading


Remembering Kathy Ainsworth


In Memoriam: On June 30th 1968 Kathy Ainsworth and her unborn child were murdered. Kathy was just 26 years old and an active Klan member, she was also a very popular grade school teacher in Jackson, Mississippi. Kathy wanted to… Continue Reading


Boycott Movement Profiteers


Supporters of The Order please do not buy merchandise with the Bruder Logo’s or imagery on it if the money is not going to Der Bruders, people are such money hungry despicable parasites! There is a group of people in… Continue Reading


Hot off the press


Issue number 17 of Homefront Magazine and Issue number 14 of Keeping The Faith are now available, find the links for both under the Publications / Magazine links above! We hope you enjoy both and feel free to print out… Continue Reading


Bruder Quotes

Free the Order

              Fair child of light, you are my kin, In body, soul and mind, A spirit calls from deep within, I must preserve your kind, 14-88 David Lane If you want to read more… Continue Reading


Rest Well David Eden Lane

Rest Well David

8 years gone dear friend, you are always loved and always missed! The world is a sadder place without you and the great halls are a more wise and humourous place because of your presence…14 Words! Feast Well. WAU Europa


Supporting our own Folk – family in need – CLOSED & Thank you note!


THIS FUNDRAISER IS NOW CLOSED! We would just like to thank everyone who has donated, bought items or spread the word, you have all been fantastic and thanks to you all we have raised $2500 for this family.   On… Continue Reading


Remembering Sisters Past – Updated March 8th

Trude Mohr Bürkner

Being a woman is a very tough job. We are usually forced to mesh both warrior and mother into one. Many types of women past and present have made our roles in today’s society unique. We are labeled as many… Continue Reading


25 Years of WAU


Today February 2nd 2015 marks twenty five years of sisterhood, activism and unity, this is a huge achievement considering what we believe in, fight for and love is considered taboo. WAU have always supported our imprisoned kin, our very first… Continue Reading


Do not let frauds and fakes fool you!!!


WAU has never been part of or supported any biker gangs based in the USA, nor have we supported any of the organizations or groups associated with them (neither deserve mention). It has come to our attention that some women… Continue Reading