'We zigged and the market zagged' and now Peter Hall is exiting Hunter Hall

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'We zigged and the market zagged' and now Peter Hall is exiting Hunter Hall

By Brian Robins

The election of Donald Trump as the next president of the US caught not just the US cognoscenti off guard, but the reaction of financial markets sowed the seeds for the dramatic exit of Peter Hall from the funds management business he started more than two decades ago.

Last week, he sold a large chunk of his holding in Hunter Hall Investments at just $1 a share, less than a third what it had been worth earlier in the week, setting the clock ticking on his exit from the business.

Peter Hall says Donald Trump's election victory sowed the seeds for his exit from Hunter Hall.

Peter Hall says Donald Trump's election victory sowed the seeds for his exit from Hunter Hall. Credit:Nic Walker

In the process he slashed his own worth by more than $25 million, and put Washington H. Soul Pattinson and Co, the diversified investment company, in the box seat to take control of the Hunter Hall group, including the ASX-listed company that has more than $1 billion of investor funds under management in listed and unlisted funds.

The immediate trigger was the election of Trump. with the market's reaction wrong-footing Hall, who has not been afraid to take big risks throughout his investment career.

Peter Hall's deal to sell part of Hunter Hall shares to Washington H. Soul Pattinson went through this morning.

Peter Hall's deal to sell part of Hunter Hall shares to Washington H. Soul Pattinson went through this morning.Credit:Domino Postiglione

"We zigged and the market zagged," Hall says when discussing his decision to pull the plug. "I thought we could recoup the loss of performance. But that, plus the loss of momentum at Sirtex and with Geoff Wilson sitting there" with more than 10 per cent of Hunter Hall Value, the group's ASX-listed investment fund, Hall decided it was all too hard.

"It took five years post the GFC to recoup the impact," he says. Unable to commit the time it would take to make up the lost ground this time around, he decided to bale out. "I thought December would be a very good time to exit."

'Tiger in the courtyard'

Trump may have been the immediate trigger, but in reality Hall says it was a board decision he had opposed a few years earlier that paved the way for Wilson, a well-known fund manager, to move up the share register of the Hunter Hall Value fund. That began the slow burn that led to last week's dramatic decision.


"The critical event was the Hunter Hall Value [fund] board decision to do an issue at a discount to asset backing," Hall says.

That decision, in early 2015, resulted in investment funds associated with Wilson emerging with more than 10 per cent of the capital of the fund. With the shares issued at $1.26, a handy discount to the fund's asset value of $1.50, there was clear value for an investor, if that gap could be closed.

But at the same time, this could present the opportunity for Wilson to wrest management of the fund away from Peter Hall - an opportunity Wilson did not pursue.

"We had let the tiger into the courtyard," Hall says of the share issue, which he says he opposed. "The future was dangling by a thread. Geoff Wilson could have requested a [shareholder meeting] at any time and threatened $5 million of revenue and threatened our business.

"We were approached by an institution at that point but there was the stumbling block of Peter Hall and 'the very significant key man risk' and Geoff Wilson. He has behaved impeccably throughout. But I was always anxious about this possibility."

In full knowledge that any misstep could cost him control of the group, Hall positioned his funds ahead of the US presidential election for a potential sell-off, by raising cash and buying gold. In the event, financial markets did swoon on Trump's election victory, but confidence of a new round of spending buoying the US economy, bulls quickly gained the upper hand.

Mulling over his options, Hall considered liquidating all of the group's funds and handing back money to investors, just like US investment legend Warren Buffett had done in 1969 when he decided to liquidate his then investment partnership.

"After all, the funds were sitting at, or near, their all-time highs," Hall says. Rather, Hall decided to test the water and see if there were any potential bidders for Hunter Hall Investments, the management company.

"By me taking decisive action, with all of the tire-kickers sitting there, that could trigger something to happen," Hall says. "On Christmas Eve, I got off the plane from London and I telephoned Kevin Eley, the chairman, and told him what I'd been thinking. On Boxing Day we had a long personal discussion. On the next day, the Tuesday, the board met."

With the shares in a trading halt, this gave time for bidders to come forward, with two offers at $1 a share, another at $1.15 and a higher offer which was more complex. The $1 worth of the shares - which were trading in the sharemarket at $3.50 - was just their cash backing, imputing no value from Hall's role at the company, to which he had given notice.

"I subordinated my personal financial interests," he says. "I wanted to find a body with sufficient strength and we've found that in Soul Pattinson."

The issue now is confronting the possibility that investors in Hunter Hall funds could rush for the exits, leaving Soul Pattinson with a funds management business which withers on the vine.


"I'm not worried about the $5 [million] or $10 million loss to me," he says of the personal financial cost of the deal. "I know that sounds odd, but I have sufficient funds to be happy, and can find another Base Resources, or Sirtex or St Barbara Mines to make me $5 [million] or $10 million if I need to in the future," he says, referring to companies his funds had invested in over the years and generated multimillion-dollar returns.

"The most important thing was to find a credible partner."

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