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From a devastating war in Syria to a historic peace deal in Colombia; from the hopeful ratification of the Paris Agreement to the urgency of the sinking Maldives due to sea level rise, 2016 has been a year of contrasts, and UNDP has been present over 140 countries helping communities shape development.  More »
Global Goals can be a powerful catalyst of human progress. They make people’s shared aspirations tangible and trackable, directing our attention forward and focusing minds on what unites us.  This is one the main lessons learned from 15 years of action to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the...  more »
This year UNDP celebrated its 50th anniversary and began the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It was a momentous year. And helping to narrate it all was our huge network of experts and development practitioners around the world. At UNDP, one of our greatest strengths is our global...  more »
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The news of the new peace treaty between the Colombian government and FARC rebels this past November was heard around the world. After 55 years of an armed conflict that has claimed 600,000 lives, and in which four out of five victims are non-combatants, peace is now closer than ever.  More »
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Few places on earth are as evocative – or as important for biological diversity – as Madagascar.  more »
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Only 2% of Niger's rural population has access to electricity. Today, using sustainable energy sources, the communities are lighting their way to a better future.  More »
Hurricane Matthew affected 1.3 million people in Haiti. Some 750,000 are in need of immediate assistance.  Donate now »