
Forgotten anarchist Simón Radowitzky’s life retold in graphic novel

  • Posted on: 28 December 2016
  • By: thecollective

From The Guardian

Sixty years after his death, the peripatetic and violent life of one of the most remarkable minor characters in 20th-century history is being retold on the black, white and red pages of a graphic novel.

The anarchist Simón Radowitzky may be half-forgotten today, but his struggles in tsarist Russia, banishment to the “Argentinian Siberia” and participation in the Spanish civil war made him a legendary figure in his own time.

‘Nietzsche and Anarchy’ by Shahin (Elephant Editions)

  • Posted on: 23 December 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From 325

Psychology for Free Spirits, Ontology for Social War

How is it possible to live free and joyful in this world of domination? The key idea Nietzsche offers us is this: don’t hide from struggle in fantasy worlds or imaginary futures, but affirm life, say yes to life here and now. With all its violence, cruelty and loneliness; and all its encounters of tenderness, wildness, delight and possibility.


Call for autonomous organizing against the end of the world

  • Posted on: 20 December 2016
  • By: thecollective

The situation: our world, the only home we will ever have, is being hurled into the abyss by imbeciles and nihilists. A 72-degree Christmas and a Trump presidency; lynching and deportation of our neighbors by police and ICE; pipelines desecrate the dead, while poisoning the living; billions of selfies, while 200 species go extinct every day; the feeling of powerlessness enforced by governments everywhere and the management of each detail down to the smallest part of our hearts: everything calls for this to end.

Seeds Beneath the Snow: Anarchists Mourn Our Dead

  • Posted on: 20 December 2016
  • By: thecollective

On Saturday night, the snow-swept statue of the revolutionary Emiliano Zapata on Lake Street in Minneapolis was cast in the light of emergency flares and surrounded by a black-clad crew, as anarchists held a memorial observation for our comrades fallen in recent weeks.

We gathered to mourn three tragedies—the death of Michael Israel and other freedom fighters in Rojava, the murder of Guilherme Irish by his nationalist father in Brazil, and the dozens of dead friends lost in Oakland’s Ghost Ship fire.

TotW: Anarchist Principles

  • Posted on: 19 December 2016
  • By: thecollective

The classic anarchist tenets were mutual aid, rejection of church and state and capitalism, solidarity, voluntary association, decentralization, and autonomy. (I might be missing a couple...)
More recently, anarchists have espoused principles like transparency, consistency between means-and-ends, and a DIY ethic.

Indiscriminate Anarchists

  • Posted on: 14 December 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

In anticipation of the publication of issue 1 of Atassa: Readings in Eco-extremism, we offer this free translation from the issue originally published in Spanish in Regresión 5 in October 2015. Further information about Atassa and its availability can be found at atassa.wordpress,com.


How I dream sometimes of a world all in harmony: each tendency based in its own initiative, without clashing with another; without humiliating themselves, in order to be stronger tomorrow, when we should all run toward the great battle of the revolution! But all of that is only a dream.”
