Lindsay Tanner on politics - in parliament and at the Bombers - and his love of crime

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Lindsay Tanner on politics - in parliament and at the Bombers - and his love of crime

He might have turned his hand to fiction, but politics still defines this former MP.

By Jason Steger

Some might call Lindsay Tanner a glutton for punishment. After all, this is the man who was finance minister during the global financial crisis who since leaving federal politics opted for a role in merchant banking with Lazards only to re-emerge into the glare of publicity by becoming chairman of Essendon at the worst moment in the football club's history.

So it's not unreasonable to ask him how these two crises compare?

Former Labor politician, chairman of the Essendon Football Club and first-time novelist Lindsay Tanner

Former Labor politician, chairman of the Essendon Football Club and first-time novelist Lindsay TannerCredit:Josh Robenstone

"People look at me very strangely when I say this: Neither of those are the biggest challenges or crises that I've been involved with."

To say this answer is a surprise is something of an understatement. Tanner, who describes himself as having been an earnest child, must have the coolest head in the country.

The asparagus entree

The asparagus entree Credit:Josh Robenstone

"The biggest challenge would be when I took over the leadership of the Federated Clerks Union back in 1988 when we'd had an entrenched old-DLP-style leadership for 40 years."

Tanner won the assistant-secretary spot in Victoria and says he felt like Yasser Arafat being a member of the Israeli cabinet. Eventually, his faction won the state and federal union elections but before that the defeated officials occupied the offices, bank accounts were blocked, organisers were hindered.

"I didn't have a day off for three months, worked seven days a week, 90-100 hours – it was very character-forming. I remember thinking when I went into federal Parliament it doesn't matter how challenging federal politics gets, nothing will be as challenging as that and I was right."


Tanner has suggested we meet at Terra Rossa, an unpretentious and homely Italian restaurant directly behind his office. He has been here many times, but it would be hard to describe him as a foodie. Six years of earwigs in the cereal at boarding school mean that it would take a lot for him to think something's bad.

Orecchiette with broccoli, pine nuts and lemon pangrattato at Terra Rossa.

Orecchiette with broccoli, pine nuts and lemon pangrattato at Terra Rossa.Credit:Josh Robenstone

"There was a cook in the boarding house who used to have this old plastic apron and she both smoked in the kitchen and put Bandaid on the holes in the apron. Every so often a Bandaid or a cigarette butt would appear in the stew," he says.

"We used to jokingly grade the poached eggs by whether the yoke was green, purple or black. That was rare, medium and well done. It meant that I have grown up with very low expectations."

Chicken Milanese with spiced ratatouille

Chicken Milanese with spiced ratatouilleCredit:Josh Robenstone

No sign of poached eggs today. Tanner and I both opt for the char-grilled asparagus with gorgonzola and romesco, while he plumps for chicken Milanese with ratatouille, capers and lemon and I pick the orecchiette with broccoli, pine nuts, lemon and pangrattato. A glass of Kapuka pinot noir from New Zealand and a glass of Torres de Casta rose from Spain and we're both happy.

Since leaving Parliament, Tanner has published a couple of books about the media and politics, but now he has shifted gear and written his first novel.

Receipt for lunch with Lindsay Tanner

Receipt for lunch with Lindsay Tanner

"It hasn't escaped my notice that there's a rather bizarre juxtaposition here of saturation media [about Essendon], which is understandable to a point, and then a couple of weeks later I'm bobbing up publishing a novel. It's not often that you get two such disparate things with one person. That is a bit odd."

Comfort Zone tells the story of Jack, a 55-year-old Brunswick taxi driver, a slightly disgruntled bloke who life has somehow passed by. He inadvertently gets mixed up in a spat involving a beautiful Somali woman and her children who live in the Carlton high-rise flats – Tanner knows them well; they were his stomping ground as member for Melbourne for 17 years – and the problems of a merchant banker who is one of the same day's customers. All of a sudden, Jack is doing things that he would never have done before.

I remember Tanner writing a newspaper article about his enthusiasm for crime fiction and thrillers – he has all 79 of Agatha Christie's novels – but what on earth possessed him to actually write a novel?

"Part of what I was doing was finding out what writing fiction was like because I've written a lot of non-fiction. Obviously, like a lot of people, I read quite a lot of fiction, but what I effectively did was create a character, imagine this person and then thought up this trigger event and then sat back and watched what happens."

That makes it sound as if he wasn't in control of grumpy old Jack? Which is not the case with his non-fiction, he says; he engineers it to within an inch of its life – 300 pages of notes, detailed structure, paragraph plan etc.

"I instinctively understood that if I approached it in this way I'd produce something not very good. So I deliberately step back and write a bit and set up a few things and see what happens, and ask myself what's he going to do next."

The title came early on because "Jack is a fairly typical old Anglo-Aussie who's caught in this comfort zone of a bit of bigotry and laziness and I wanted to throw a few things at him, make him reassess his life, how he sees the world and how he sees people".

I assumed he couldn't resist making his merchant banker character something of a scallywag. "I should put a disclaimer in there saying no one I have ever worked with remotely fits this description. But I might as a joke give one or two (colleagues) a copy and say by the way he's based on you. I was after one of those high-powered young professionals who is everything that Jack isn't."

Lindsay Tanner during lunch with Age journalist Jason Steger at Terra Rossa restaurant in the CBD.

Lindsay Tanner during lunch with Age journalist Jason Steger at Terra Rossa restaurant in the CBD.Credit:Josh Robenstone

Tanner's boarding school might have wrecked his appreciation of food but its authoritarian character was part of the reason he became interested in politics. He went at the age of 11 in 1968 at the peak of the decade's social revolution. And the later election and dismissal of the Whitlam government were crucial. The latter galvanised all his tendencies into a life-long belief system.

"Politics. One of my ex-colleagues famously described it as a bit like malaria – once you've got it, you never get rid of it."

Comfort Zone is political, but not in the parliamentary sense. Tanner says it's a bit of an investigation and explanation of what he describes as the number one cultural divide in Australia today.

"You have the old sort of Australia, that says 'these sort of people don't really belong here and the best is we might tolerate them' mentality, which is Jack's starting point, versus the mostly educated, cosmopolitan Australia that has a set of values and beliefs about people like Somali Australians that I share but has a set of what I consider to be very shallow and unfair perspectives on the Jacks of this world that I don't share. That's all politics."

Tanner turns 60 in a couple of months and is quite relaxed about the prospect. He can't afford to act as if he's old as two of his four children are only nine and 11. The other reason he's not bothered is that he has a low tolerance to boredom so has to have things to challenge him. That's why he's writing fiction – he has ideas for a sequel already – and why he didn't mind taking over at Essendon when it's in serious crisis.

So what happens, say, if the captain, Jobe Watson, decides he wants to finish his playing career at another club when the players' ban has been served? There's a slight pause.

"There's all kind of possibilities. There's been plenty of speculation about legal action and all sorts of things. The stuff that's within our power to influence we'll try and influence … there'll be choices made by people that we can perhaps influence a bit but we can't control."

It's a careful answer from a man who has for years had to be careful about answers in the political arena. But he doesn't miss conventional politics.

"Throughout the Western world politics as you and I know is in a state of complete confusion and it's because of structural change in modern Western society and in particular it's because the political framework and the parties of the established ideas framework that we're all accustomed to are massively out of date and they are reflections of a world that doesn't exist anymore."

And on that note, his latest crisis-management duties call. Time for a quick coffee and then he's off to Essendon, again.

Comfort Zone is published by Scribe.


Terra Rossa

87 FLINDERS LANE, CITY; 9650 0900


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