  • Arms Amnesty Action "Less Weapons Less Tragedies" Play all

    Four (4) video spots accompanying the „Less arms -- less tragedies" campaign and produced by Drugi plan.
    The clips represent four separate units in which victims of firearms or explosive devises in Croatia tell their true stories.
    The witnesses are as follows: Mr. Zdenko Kantolić, whose 10 year old son Matija died in August 2002, while playing with an illegal gun; Mato Boroša who was shot in the chest by a stray bullet in April 2005 at a party during the football match between Dinamo and Hajduk; Mr. Nikola Petrović, who found a number of firearms with his friends, as a boy in 1996, and played with them, until one of his friends activated a 'zolja' (hand-held rocket launcher) and died, while Nikola is a 100% invalid who lost his arm, any eye and is hearing impaired; and Mr. Dražen Cristopher Čučić who was shot in the chest and shoulder by a stray bullet in during the New Year Eve celebration in 2000.

    Četiri (4) video spota u produkciji Drugog plana koji pratite Akciju „Manje oružja manje tragedija".
    Spotovi su koncipirani kao četiri zasebne cjeline u kojima žrtve ranjavanja vatrenim oružjem ili eksplozivnim napravama iznose svoje istinite priče. Tako u spotovima svoja svjedočanstva iznose g. Zdenko Kantolić, otac 10-godišnjeg Matije koji je u kolovozu 2002. godine poginuo u dječjoj igri sa ilegalnom puškom; Mato Boroša kojeg je u travnju 2005. godine na rođendanskoj proslavi a tijekom navijačkog slavlja za vrijeme utakmice Dinamo-Hajduk, u prsa pogodio zalutali metak; g. Nikola Petrović, koji je još kao dječak u ožujku 1996. godine sa prijateljima našao veću količinu oružja te je u igri njegov prijatelj aktivirao zolju i poginuo dok je Nikola danas 100% invalid bez nadlaktice, bez oka te ima oštećenje sluha i g. Dražen Cristopher Čučić kojeg je tijekom novogodišnjeg dočeka 2000. godine pogodio zalutali metak u prsa i rame.
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  • For Equal Employment Opportunities Play all

    Internet job search engine MojPosao and UNDP initiated an Award for "Employer of the year for persons with disabilities". The initiative is launched within the framework of UNDP's project "Right to life in a community: Social inclusion and persons with disabilities", and as a way to mark the 2007 - European Year of Equal Opportunities. Video clips called "For equal employment opportunities" feature three episodes: Movie theatre, the Office, and School, promote the employment of persons with disabilities. The video clips were produced by the Slovenian society of the theory and culture of disability, with help from the European Commission in order to inform and educate the public, and particularly potential employers, that persons with disabilities can contribute to the success of a firm or organization as much as any other qualified employee. UNDP Croatia was kindly given the authors rights for distribution of these clips to the Croatian audience.
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  • Energy in Our Home - Live Better, Pay Less Play all

    Removing Barriers to Energy Efficiency in Croatia This UNDP Croatias campaign is implemented in partnership with the Ministry of the Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, with the support from the Croatian Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency and the Global Environment Fund (GEF). The campaign addresses the citizens and is of an info-educational character. Through the implementation of energy efficient measures (EE) in our homes, it is possible to have better quality of life while reducing the financial expenses for various energy-generating products. The goal of the promotional campaign is to raise citizens' awareness about energy efficiency and their readiness to change their behaviour with regard to application of available energy efficient measures, in order to reduce daily and seasonal energy consumption, and also to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. More on: www.ee.undp.hr.
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