Politics With Charles P. Pierce

Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Vladimir Putin's Decision to Back Donald Trump Will Likely Pay Off
If Kellyanne Conway's word is anything to go on.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
What You Need to Know About Escalation of Force
This is why a U.S. warship fired warning shots at Iranian speedboats.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Mike Allen Is Still Waging a War on Journalism
New year, same Mike.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Actually, You Can Still Score Pretty Much Any Gown You Want Before Trump's Inauguration
Fear not, Jackie Evancho fans!
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Noted Grown-Up Mitch McConnell Wants Democrats to 'Grow Up and Get Past' Trump's Win
Everything he wants is for the good of the country, of course.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Somebody Should Probably Look Into This Minor Nuclear Weapons Issue
But first, let's finalize those inauguration performers.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Happy New Year From Your Friend Vladimir Putin
He's in better shape than a 400-pound basement hacker.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Some Louisiana Water Is So Contaminated That Pastors Are Suspending Baptisms
Lead? Copper? You name it, it's coming out of the faucet.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
'Mad Dog' Mattis Isn't Going to Yield. Will Trump?
The president-elect might be regretting his choice for Secretary of Defense.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Let's Check in with the Ratings Machine, DJT
Some fresh hell for your Friday.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
If You're a Federal Employee and Congress Doesn't Like You, They Can Slash Your Pay to a Dollar
Looking at you, Department of Energy workers who believe in climate change.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
I Remember When These States Used to Be Sane
Let's welcome Iowa to the party.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
My Two Minds Are at War Over Trump's Beef with the C.I.A.
The "intelligence community" is capable of the worst behavior, but can anyone else keep the president-elect honest?
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Here's What Trump Wants to Distract You From Today
Surprise! It's a petty lawsuit.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
For His Next Act, the Tweeting Toddler Will Fix Healthcare
Just after naptime.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Don't Give Dylann Roof the Martyrdom He Craves
The latest from South Carolina.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
The Wrong People Learned the Wrong Lessons from the 2008 Financial Meltdown
And we're all in big trouble. Again.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Honestly, Who Thinks This Is a Good Idea?
Crickets and tumbleweeds.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
How Many American Politicians Are Truly Religious?
This new survey is illuminating.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Jeff Sessions' Attorney General Bid Is Encountering Massive Resistance
From the NAACP, for one.
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