Overseas Qualifications

How can I get my Overseas Qualifications Assessed?

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority can assess and   provide an equivalence statement for secondary school/high school level qualifications. The statement relates an overseas certificate/academic year to a year level in the Western Australian school system. It does not give a grade-for-grade comparison.

Please do not send original documents by post. If you have to post your application, send copies of your documents that have been certified as true copies by an authorised person as below.

Accountant Industrial organisation secretary Police officer
Architect Insurance broker Post Office manager
Australian Consular Officer Justice of the Peace Psychologist
Australian Diplomatic Officer Lawyer Public Servant (State or Commonwealth)
Bailiff Local government CEO or deputy CEO Public Notary
Bank Manager Local government councillor Real Estate agent
Chartered secretary Loss adjuster Settlement agent
Chemist Marriage Celebrant Sheriff or deputy Sheriff
Chiropractor Member of Parliament (State or Commonwealth) Surveyor
Company auditor or liquidator Minister of Religion Teacher
Court officer (Judge, master, magistrate, registrar or clerk) Nurse Tribunal Officer
Defence Force officer (Commissioned, Warrant or NCO with 5 years continuous service) Optometrist Veterinary surgeon
Dentist Patent Attorney  
Doctor Physiotherapist  
Engineer Podiatrist