Showing posts with label Walker and Silhouette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walker and Silhouette. Show all posts

Monday, 28 December 2009

Walker & Silhouette is now available from the IF Archive. This is probably the most stable of all the download links available, so if you have (or are thinking of) linking to the zip directly, please use:

Or for a random mirror:

Wednesday, 16 December 2009


I've slipped version 9 of Walker & Silhouette into the existing download links. This fixes a couple of small glitches you may have seen if you tried certain standard IF actions, and also leaves out the superfluous Picasa.ini files that got swept up in the last zip.

Unless I seriously botched something up with this update, this'll be the last version of the game. I'll upload it to the IF Archive over the weekend (although it may be some time before they process it, I'd imagine, especially over Christmas).

Sunday, 13 December 2009

What's next?

Right, I'm going to wait until next weekend, then upload a version of Walker & Silhouette that fixes any problems that have cropped up. I'll upload it to the IF Archive too, which should provide a more stable download link than the present Googlepages one...

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Walker & Silhouette - Download

Misfits in a strange city; crime fighters grappling with the weirdest mysteries; rivals who become partners until the last:

Walker & Silhouette
A keyword only adventure.

Team up with a dashing detective and an iconoclastic flapper to solve absurd and unfathomable crimes in this interactive story - where you control the action just by typing or clicking highlighted words in the text.

Walker & Silhouette uses a similar keyword system to Blue Lacuna, and experiments with applying it to various forms of interaction: talk, investigate, solve puzzles and fight villains... using only single word commands.


-Zipped Deluxe Package [Mirror ] [Mirror 2] [Randomised mirror]
-Contains: Windows version; story file for Linux and Mac interpreters; quick-start instructions.

--Release History--

Version 8: first release (update: amended the HTML docs for Linux).
Version 9: update that fixes two non-serious glitches.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Stick a fork in it...

Okay, just gonna wait for any last minute bug reports and then I'm finally calling it quits on this thing. Barring any serious calamities, release day is Wednesday.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Squeezing the last few bugs out this thing.  Check back next Sunday for another update...

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Almost there...

I've finished the 'meta' aspects of the game that I still had to add - the hints, the manual, fleshing out the scoring system a little. I just want to get in a final round of testing and proof-reading to check I haven't broken anything, and then it's release time...

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Ça va bien.

I must say, it's been nice to be able to step away from the project for a while - just working on bug fixes, spelling errors etc. Hearteningly, the scene I thought was the game's weakest has passed pretty much unremarked, and it's the scene that I had the most trouble working on that's (perhaps unsurprisingly) now become Public Enemy #1.

The biggest thing left on my list is adding the hint system. As far as I'm concerned hints are a non-negotiable necessity in a game of this type, but that doesn't mean I don't hate implementing them. It's all the pain of checking flags and states - and none of the fulfilment of world building and characterisation.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Learn it up, player.

Here's a peek at the HTML manual I'm planning on including with the thing.

Monday, 9 November 2009

Walker & Silhouette

Testing phase... begin!

First tester... selected!

Tester name: Pacian!

Get to it, you lazy dog! Oh, wait...

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Coming Soon

My next game is nominally complete. Don't get too excited: there's still a lot of work I want to do before I release it - ranging from embellishments to bug fixes, possibly making significant changes to one whole section - and ultimately beta testing the thing.

(I also need to settle on a title.)

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Getting There

Making stuff is hard. But it's still gonna get made.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Work In Progress: Yuck

I'm working through the parts of the game in the order players will see them. I've completed most of the fourth one (of seven in total).

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Work In Progress

So I'm working on a short, keyword-driven IF game following the adventures of a pair of crime fighters in a retro-futuristic, 1910s/20s styled city. I've planned seven separate locations, each with their own little puzzle, conversation or event, and so far the first two are pretty much done.

This has been a good two or three months in the planning, but hopefully implementation will be finished in a month or two.