

Pregnancy Symptoms

It is illegal to discriminate against pregnant women in the workplace.

Fired over morning sickness

A New Zealand woman has been awarded compensation after she lost her job due to her morning sickness.

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Miscarriage & Loss

My memory vessel teaches how fleeting it can all still be.

Memory Vessel

On a windowsill at home is an oval-shaped clear glass container with a bird as a lid and a collection of tiny items inside – shells, leaves, seedpods, flowers, more shells. Each item is small and perfect and has a matching twin for company. To someone else, this object that fits in the palm of my hand would appear just a decorative "thing", but I know otherwise.

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Pregnancy Health

Switching to e-cigarettes while pregnant is not a safe option.

E-cigarette vapour 'damaging for babies'

Pregnant women who smoke may harm their babies' brain development if they turn to e-cigarettes to satisfy their nicotine craving, scientists have warned.

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Prepare for Baby